Benefits of Infant Massage

Excerpts from the IAIM website

Parents who take the Just Be Baby Massage Class Series learn much more than just the mechanics of an infant massage routine. Our program, certified by the International Association of Infant Massage, involves many different styles of touch, movement, interaction and communication.

Both research and anecdotal evidence from families have shown that there are many ways that babies and families may benefit from infant massage.

Benefits for babies can be grouped into four categories: Interaction, Stimulation, Relief and Relaxation.

Interaction in Infant Massage May Include:

  • Promotion of bonding and secure attachment
  • Verbal/non-verbal communication
  • Development of trust and confidence
  • Using all the senses
  • Feelings of love, respect, and being valued

Each Massage May Stimulate:

  • Circulatory and digestive systems
  • Hormonal and immune systems
  • Coordination and balance
  • Learning and concentration
  • Muscular development and growth
  • Mind and body awareness

Parents May Find that Infant Massage Helps Relieve:

  • Gas and colic
  • Constipation and elimination
  • Growing pains and muscular tension
  • Teething discomfort
  • Cramps

The Massage Promotes Relaxation which May be Shown Through:

  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Increased flexibility and muscle tone
  • Regulation of behavioral states
  • Being calm and being able to calm themself
  • Reduction in stress hormones

The Massage Promotes Relaxation which May be Shown Through:

  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Increased flexibility and muscle tone
  • Regulation of behavioral states
  • Being calm and being able to calm themselves
  • Reduction in stress hormones

Benefits for others can be grouped into 3 categories: parents, whole family, society.

Parents benefit by gaining:

  • Better understanding of babys uniqueness & the ability to read & respect baby cues
  • Promotion of bonding & secure attachment – Ideal for adoptive parents or caregivers
  • Improved self-esteem & confidence in parenting skills
  • Quality time for positive interaction – an extra bonding opportunity for father
  • Decrease stress hormones & increase relaxation/feel good hormones
  • Improved sleep – sleep when baby sleeps
  • Stimulates lactation & decreases postpartum depression
  • Meeting & building community with other parents

The whole family benefits by:

  • Involvement of siblings – less sibling rivalry
  • Involvement of extended family
  • Increased respect between family members
  • Promotes relaxing home environment
  • Reduction of conflicts
  • Improved sleep

Society benefits through receiving a well rounded human who has benefited early on through infant massage

  • Increase in positive touch & interaction
  • Increased respect & empathy
  • Reduced instances of abuse, violence & crime
  • Reduction in national health cost due to healthier society

Check our calendar of events for upcoming Just Be Baby Infant Massage Class series & single session classes.