Enhance Sleep Quality With Massage

At some point everyone has tossed and turned, longing for sleep to find them on a particularly restless night. A decent night’s sleep is how humans rest and recharge both physically, mentally & energetically. When sleep evades us, carrying out our normal day to day tasks and just existing in general can be challenging. Irritability, brain fog, lethargy and a multitude of other symptoms are a result of poor sleep. It is also a vicious cycle; the worse you sleep, the more frustrated & stressed you become – and the less likely you are to sleep well.

Massage Reduces Stress

Stress and the subsequent cortisol (the stress hormone), is known to affect sleep by putting our brains and bodies into fight or flight mode. Massage is a proven antidote that reduces stress by decreasing cortisol and increasing serotonin and dopamine (neurotransmitters that help to stabilize mood). Using massage to decrease stress and to promote relaxation may help you sleep better and may even reset your circadian rhythm (I’m looking at you Night Owls).

Massage Reduces Pain

Massage for pain management can also help to enhance sleep quality. Pain and sleep loss can exacerbate one another, leading to a vicious cycle. A lack of sleep can worsen pain, while pain itself can make it difficult to find a comfortable enough position to fall asleep. Consistent l treatment and management of pain may help to improve sleep.

Sufficient Sleep Is Essential

Simply put, adequate rest is one of the foundations of homeostasis and a key source of sustainable authentic energy. Studies now support the fact that inadequate sleep is associated with diseases such as obesity/weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, depression and numerous other chronic issues. Healthy adults generally require at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to adequately stimulate cellular rejuvenation.

Unfortunately, most people get far less sleep than they need. Depriving the body of sleep means less than optimal function – physically and mentally. Whether it’s insomnia, unwillingness to turn out the light, or just a busy schedule, adjusting some of your current habits (put the phone down!), and integrating a regular, therapeutic massage into your routine can greatly improve the quantity and quality your sleep.

Book your next massage at Just Be Bodyworks and find your self being lulled into a great night’s sleep.