Pregnancy Summer Survival Guide

Pregnancy can be one of the most beautiful, life changing, magical experiences in a woman’s life, as she completes the miraculous feat of creating a whole new human inside of her.

Pregnancy can also be one of the most frustrating, uncomfortable & distressing experiences of a woman’s life as her body contorts & stretches into crazy new configurations to accommodate that whole new human inside of her.

Doubly so if she is simultaneously trying to survive the fun, festive, harsh & unbearable summer months. Oh the duality that is life.

Here is a quick survival guide for those brave mamas making it through yet another season of life.

Summer Bummer #1 – Dehydration

Getting enough fluids is especially tough in the hot summer months, but staying hydrated is especially important in pregnancy. Ordinarily, you should try to drink at least 10 cups of liquids every day, but in the summer, you need to add 8 ounces for every hour you spend in the heat, since that’s about the amount you’ll be sweating out. Make it fun and sip some fancy mock-tails by the water or make up some fruity hydrating home-made popsicles.

Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide - Hydration

Summer Bummer #2 – Pregnancy Swelling

It’s no secret that the legs, ankles, and feet hiding under that pregnant belly are prone to swelling, and the summer heat only makes it worse. Take every chance you can to get off of your feet and lift them up. For added soothing power try placing a cold, damp towel over your legs. Try some self-massage starting at the feet and working up the legs, with gentle strokes towards the heart. Can’t reach your feet anymore? Ask your partner to rub those tootsies for you. Or better yet, schedule a private partners massage lesson or a professional prenatal massage session.

Summer Bummer #3 – Why is it SO hot!?!?

All of that extra blood in your body, not to mention a whole extra person, pregnancy can leave you feeling like one hot mama! Even MORE so during summer months. For a woman’s body to handle the extra blood, vessels dilate slightly, bringing blood closer to the surface of the skin, causing you to feel warmer. Keep yourself cool by chasing the water! Swimming, floating or just sitting in a sprinkler does wonders. Bonus point for floaties that help you to elevate your feet at the same time.

Summer Bummer #4 – Clumsy Preggo

As your pregnant belly grows rapidly and your body goes through a daily remodeling, your proprioception can be seriously thrown off! Proprioception is the “sixth sense” that allows us to determine where our body is moving in space and is essential to our normal execution of basic movements & function. (I.e. sitting down in a chair, bringing food to our mouth, scratching your ear, walking through your home without bumping your belly into EVERY corner!) Massage utilizes sensory novelty to stimulate all of the proprioceptive nerve endings in your muscles, connective tissue and skin, increasing proprioceptive awareness and reducing clumsiness.

Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide

Summer Bummer #5 – Pregnancy Related Aches & Pains

OK, so you don’t have to be pregnant in the summer to deserve a massage—every pregnant mama-to-be should get AT LEAST one prenatal massage. Growing a whole human is hard work! Massage will not only help your body fight off swelling and allow you to relax, it is also a great way to reduce tension in muscles carrying more than they are used to and reduce joint pain associated with ligament loosening.  Hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered by massage helping to regulate mama-bear moods. Massage has also been shown to improve labor outcomes and newborn health and may help to ward off post-partum depression as well. Plus, air-conditioned massage studio. Nuff said.

Just Be Mama

Jessica McClain, owner of Just Be Bodyworks, Licensed Massage Therapist & Certified Educator of Infant Massage, offers several services to support mamas during summer pregnancies & beyond.

Prenatal Massage Sessions

I promise, you don’t need an excuse to get a massage. Whether you’re battling pain and discomfort as your body stretches out into mother hood or you just need to relax a little, contact the studio today to schedule your pregnancy massage.

Private Partners Massage Classes

Connect with your partner while learning basic home massage techniques specific to pregnancy, labor & you know, just…life. Contact the studio to schedule your private partners massage lesson.

Infant Massage Classes

Learn & experience the immeasurable benefits found through infant massage. Create dedicated bonding with your little one in one of our 4-week infant massage class series. Contact the studio to inquire about upcoming group classes or to schedule private classes.

Gift Certificates

Have a soon-to-be or new mama in or around your life that deserves a little TLC? Grab one of our gift certificates to bless her summer. You know she needs it.

Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide