Recommended Oils & Lotions for Home Massage

Recommended Massage Oils

*As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases, but the price to you is the same.

So you’ve taken or are preparing to take on of the Just Be Together partners massage classes? Or maybe you’re just looking to develop a DIY a home massage practice with your partner.

There are several ways to make a home massage practice more comfortable for you and your partner. The Just Be Together classes will teach you techniques and body mechanics to make the act of giving a massage easier on your body. There are also several tools that can help both the giver and the receiver.

Purchasing a massage table or a prone pillow is a great investment if you plan to really dive into your home massage practice. Choosing the right massage lotion or oil for your home massage practice is an important investment as well. But with so many options available, how do you know which one is right for you?

Well lucky for you, I play favorites. And I’m always happy to share my opinions.

Earthlite Massage Lotion & Oil

I have used Earthlite products in my massage practice since 2013. I’ve tried SEVERAL other brands before and this is hands down my absolute favorite for bulk, unscented lotion and oil. Now my personal bias leans more towards lotion mostly because I’m clumsy and oil can be messy in clumsy hands.

I use Earthlites All-In-One Massage Lotion 90% of the time in my massage practice. It offers the perfect level of absorbency and never leaves you feeling greasy or oily. Sweet almond, sesame seed, safflower and vitamin-E oils combined with lavender, chamomile & lemon balm extracts give it the optimal balance between glide and friction. Paraben, silicone, mineral oil free.

But I also have available Earthlites Nut-Free Massage Oil as well. It does not contain any nut oils, parabens, silicones, fragrances or mineral oils. A blend of safflower, sunflower, jojoba and avocado oils gives it a light smooth glide.

In the Just Be Together partners massage classes you are offered a sample of either the oil or lotion to use in class and take home with you. If you love these samples, they are available to purchase online in either 8oz or 1 gallon bottles.

Young Living Essential Oil Products

In class, you are also offered samples of some of Young Livings essential oils products. These products range from bottles of single source essential oils & massage oil blends all the way to cosmetics , household products and even toothpaste. Young Living products are plant based, toxin-free and from trusted sources.

In the upper body class we sample Young Livings Relaxation Massage Oil to add an aroma therapy experience as we learn neck massage techniques. Relaxation combines specifically selected vegetable oils with the soothing essential oil scents of Lavender, Tangerine, Coriander, and Spearmint for maximum relaxation.

In the lower body class we sample Young Livings Tea Tree Essential Oil for it’s cleansing properties and a refreshing scent to de-funk some of those funkier feet. Sad feet should never miss a massage and Tea Tree helps to make them happy!

There are countless way to use Young Living Products as a part of your home massage practice. As a Young Living Independent Distributor, I am happy to connect with either of the products sampled in class as well as any of Young Livings 600+ plant based essential oil products. This includes a full line of massage oils and essential oil singles & blends. Contact me to order or attend one of my free Essential Oil classes to learn more.

Shop Local: Wild Rose Herbs

If buying local is more your style, you can also find great massage products from Wild Rose Herbs, a local Grants Pass, woman-owned business. My favorite is the Bloom – Gentle Arnica Muscle Rub. They also have divine bath salts for your self-care routine and yummy lip balms for kissable lips.

Just Be Together

Regardless of which product you choose, at the end of the day all that matters is that you and your partner create some space to Just Be Together. Learning massage can be an exceptional way to deepen your bond and relieve each others stress and tension. Plus, it’s just nice.

Join me for an upcoming Just Be Together partners massage class to learn the skills & techniques needed for an effective home massage practice.

How to Boost Your Relationship Wellness

Relationship Wellness

My husband is my best friend, my partner in crime, my favorite human and the guy legally required to warm my feet up at night. This year (2019) marked 4 years married and 9 years together. You guys, we’ve almost made it a DECADE!!! All this love in the air has me thinking a lot about love in general but about relationship wellness in particular. What is relationship wellness? Well, it’s kind of a two part act:

Relationship Integrity – this the heartbeat and health of your relationship. How well you communicate, interact, spend intentional time together and support one another. How you navigate life together.

Partner Accountability – this is how you encourage one another and hold each other accountable in your own individual wellness journeys. How you navigate life apart.

The Five Love Languages

There is this beautiful relationship theory called The Five Love Languages. These are the different ways in which people show love and affection and everyone tends to have a dominant love language or two that they’re more fluent in.

Those 5 love languages are:

  • receiving/ giving gifts
  • quality time together
  • words of affirmation
  • acts of service
  • physical touch

My husbands dominant love languages tends to be gifts and acts of service. Mine is quality time and physical touch. Surprise surprise coming from the massage lady, I know.  What are your’s and your partners dominant love languages? Use this handy quiz to find out!

Peanut Butter Cups

There are different ways that you can utilize these different 5 love languages to either support one another’s health or help each other create excuses. For example, my husbands love languages of gifts& acts of service. He loves to bring home random little gifts or treats to let me know he was thinking of me during his day.

Do I love Reese’s peanut butter cups? Absolutely!!! Do I love that he remembers this and thinks of me when he is at the store? Absolutely!!! Is it beneficial to my health and wellness goals for my husband to bring me a Reese’s peanut buttercup once or twice a week? Well it’s not going to kill me, most likely, but there are other healthier other options. How do I let him know this? COMMUNICATION!

Relationship Peace

This is a conversation that we’ve had over the years, so now when he feels that he feels the need to speak his love language of gifts he’ll grab something that aligns more with my health goals like a gluten-free treat or some dairy free ice cream. He expresses his love in his native language, I feel his expression of love AND I stay mostly in line with my wellness goals.

Except that one time he brought home a Reeses after using a sharpie to write “Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Non-GMO” on the wrapper. Nice try!

Accountability in Relationships

When we put some intentional supportive thought into the ways in which we show your love and affection you can open up some really beautiful conversations with your partner. Have you ever asked each other about wellness goals and how you can best show support for those goals? This doesn’t just have to be about diet! These goals can be exercise, sleep, stretching or yoga, meditation, self-care, stress management, work life balance, screen time, time in nature, friendships and family relationships, spirituality…. anything that makes you feel whole, healed and well.

Now, I am a huge believer that life is all about balance. Once in a blue moon, if Husband decides he wants to be nostalgic and bring home a Reeses, you best believe I eat that sucker up with gratitude but I know that ultimately, he understands, respects and supports my goals. I know this because we took the opportunity to talk about it. Any time that we are able speak in truth and transparency with our partner is a time that should be cherished.

That being said, communication is the key here! There has to be some proactive conversation ahead of time. If my husband just decided for himself that I need to start eating healthier and suddenly started bringing you home salads in place of Reeses, that could potentially be misinterpreted.

It ALWAYS comes back to communication. I challenge you to create some space to speak with your partner about each other’s personal health & wellness goals and find ways in which you can support one another’s journey.

Holding Up A Mirror in Relationships

Holding Up A Mirror

Holding up a mirror is a term that I like to use a lot. When we hold up a mirror for our partner we are able to reflect back to them their own goals, dreams & desires in times that their own vision may be clouded. In this way we can gently hold them accountable to the vision they hold true for their own life.

This does not mean holding your partner accountable to your views for their life.  I’m not going to hold my husband accountable to my expectations for what I think his health and wellness goals should be. I do still encourage him and make information available to him when I find it but the accountability and desire has to originate from within.

 It is challenging and yet so beautiful to find a space of transparency in your relationship where you are able say “Hey remember when we sat down and you expressed your goals and the direction that you wanted your journey to go? Do you feel that what you’re doing right now is falling in line with that highest good?”

It creates a discussion and an opportunity to check in with yourselves and each other with out the confrontation of “calling them out.” A gentle way of holding up a mirror and being a supportive partner to one another. Encouraging each other  to take care of yourselves as individuals and to work together as partners to hold each other accountable to the  goals that you’ve already set forth for yourselves.

Relationship Integrity: Relationship With Self

Ultimately you are merging two lives together. Two independent separate beings who’s lives together can be even better and even more enhanced by what you each bring to the table. Each living your best life separately but also living your best life together. When you start to speak transparently about priorities in relationships some debate can be brought forth. For instance, we tend to think of relationships as 50/50 but perhaps they should be 100/100.

My husband and I have learned a lot in our 4 years of marriage and the 5 years of partnership prior to that. The one lesson that we revisit constantly is that while it is commonly acceptable in our society to say that your significant other is your number one priority in life, we challenge that perspective. In the conversation that we’ve had over almost a decade, we’ve come to realize that your spouse cannot be your number one. Together we have learn that you can only love, respect and care for someone as deeply as you love, respect and care for yourself.

You have to be your number one so that you can show up not only for yourself but for your partner, your relationship and your family. Putting your own self-care, stress management, health and wellness first so that when your cup runneth over, you can then pour into your partner and vice versa. If each partner puts them self first, inevitably the relationship will flourish. Two  healthy, happy, whole beings joined together.

Relationship Communication

Relationship Integrity: A Note For Parents

Another debatable relationship priority is that your relationship with your spouse should come ahead of your relationship with your children. Now before you come after me with pitchforks, this is this is purely theoretical idea that a friend introduced me to. My husband and I don’t have children of our own yet so this concept is not something that I have been able to stretch out into and explore. Even not being a parent myself, when my friend (who is a parent) brought up this concept, red flags went of in my brain.

She went on to suggest that your relationship with your spouse, whether it be with your with your children’s biological parents or with a step parent, is modeling relationships for your children in the future. And went on to say that if your relationship is strong then you are going to work better as a team to raise children and nurture your family unit. It’s important to note that this theory only applies to healthy dynamics where your childs health and safety are not at risk.


  • 1. Self
  • 2. Partner
  • 3. Children

But more important than putting numbers to a priority list it driving the point home that intentional self-care  and intentional relationship care paramount to your overall happiness, co-habitation & the building of a contended life.

How Partners Massage Can Help

Our partners massage classes are a great way to reinforce and strengthen or any one of those five love languages.

  • Receiving/ giving gifts – gifting each other massage or massage tools and oils to enhance your home practice.
  • Quality time together – a massage can be 5 minutes or 2 hours. However long, it’s intetional time spent together.
  • Words of affirmation – communicating and giving your partner feedback on how much you enjoy their massage.
  • Acts of service – offering massage after a long day to ease each other’s stress & tension.
  • Physical touch – massage, massage, MASSAGE!
Relationship Wellness

These classes are a great way to create intentional communication in your relationship, enhance intimacy, build trust and reignite a spark or to keep it lit. If you feel like your relationship with your partner is  floundering, the simple act of creating intentional space together can make all of the difference. It does not have to be these partners massage classes. It can be as simple as a date night, dinner for two at home, taking some intentional time just sit down and talk together. Don’t pass the time next to each other. Spend it together. Invest in your shared love. Communicate and discover ways that you can support each other to be the best version of yourselves.

Just Be Together.

P.S. If you want to get really really sappy with me, check out this poem that I wrote right before my husband and I got married. It speaks to this idea of putting oneself first. What can I say, I’m a romantic!

Take Care Of You

Your self-care, your stress management and your health & wellness have to be your top priority. regardless of what relationships come after, they will all flourish if the relationship with your self is strong and healthy.

Learn More

You can learn more about relationship wellness & partners massage by following my Facebook page or subscribing to my Youtube channel. Check out this Relationship Wellness video.

Building Heirlooms

A Love Poem

Fifty years from now, a moment captured by a camera and caged by a frame, may paint our union to be tame, romantic, the stuff of stories. The ‘perfect’ couple.

But we will remember it’s roughly hewn beginnings. The splinters, sweat, tears and crazed laughter shared.

We alone will know that the building of this fairy tale was no easy feat, but no less magical for its lack of ease.

We will know that partnership is a choice made every day to deeply love two flawed people; your partner and your self.

And to the twinkling eyes that will one day inquire, we will paint a true picture of how to give yourself fully and authentically to another and yet retain custody of your own soul.

For while we are building heirlooms, we are also building truth.

To help a new generation understand that these two sets of clasped hands, now wrinkled and cloaked in muted tones of flesh, were once plumped by youth and bore the grazed knuckles of hard lessons learned.

And that in the infancy of those clasped hands was born an understanding that to fully love and respect another you must first fully love and respect your self.

For the only thing greater than a self sufficient wildly contented life, is sharing that life with your best friend.

“a moment captured by a camera and caged by a frame “

Reccomended Massage Tables for Home Massage

*As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases, but the price to you is the same.

Developing a home massage practice is a great way to connect with your partner and ease each others stress & tension! Investing in a partners massage class, massage tools & high quality lotions & oils will get your home practice off to a relaxing start!

Buying a massage table for home practice is a fun purchase that you and your partner can make to invest in each others wellness.

As you learned in class, it is possible to give an effective massage without a specialized table. However the comfort for both the giver and the receiver are unmatched when using a table.

If you’re not ready to invest in a massage table yet, a prone pillow may be a more budget-friendly option for your home massage practice.

Here are a few I reccomend

This basic portable massage table by Best Massage should be more than suitable for home practice. It offers an armrest as well as arm extenders on each side for maximum comfort. I used this same table for 4+ years for mobile massage as it is light weight and comes with a carrying case.

Earthlite is synonymous with quality professional massage products and is worth the investment. This Harmony table is one of their more affordable options.

If you would really like to make an investment, this Infinity Conforma table is the Cadillac of portable massage tables. It features breast conturing technology for maximum comfort in prone (face down) positioning.

Reccomended Prone Pillows for Home Massage

*As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases, but the price to you is the same.

Developing a home massage practice is a great way to connect with your partner and ease each others stress & tension! Investing in a partners massage class, massage tools & high quality lotions & oils will get your home practice off to a relaxing start!

There are several ways to make a home massage practice more comfortable for you and your partner. The Just Be Together classes will teach you techniques and body mechanics to make the act of giving a massage easier on your body. There are also several tools that can help both the giver and the receiver.

Purchasing a massage table is a great investment if you plan to really dive into your home massage practice. If you’re not ready to take that plunge, you may opt to get a prone pillow instead.

I do recommend purchasing a prone pillow prior to taking a Just Be Together class and bringing it to class with you if possible. If not, I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I’ll share in class as well.

A prone pillow allows you to lay ‘prone’ on your stomach and have a cradle for your face to rest in. This makes it so that you do not have to turn your head to the side. Alternately, it saves you from suffocating or crushing your nose trying to lay face down. Either situation makes relaxing and enjoying a loving massage from your partner more difficult than it needs to be.

There are several great options on the market that range from advanced to simplistic. Please note that I have not tried each of these products myself, but from my research would serve the purpose. Please give me any feedback on any of the products below that you have tried so that I may adjust my recommendations accordingly.

Repurposed Products

Now this one may make you giggle but an inflatable….donut pillow may work great and is very budget friendly.

A simple travel pillow works great. However there are a few things to consider when choosing one that will work for your home massage practice. First, you want one that connects in the middle rather than being an open ‘U’. Also if opting for a memory foam one you will want one that is pretty thick as by the nature of memory foam, it will compress under weight.

Notice how this one has a connecting cord at the center. This will allow you to cinch it up tight and will offer better support for our purposes than a simple ‘U’ shape pillow.

Intended Use Products

There are several products available that are intended for the use as a prone pillow. There is an infinite variety but here are a few that have caught my eye.

This simple pillow seems like it would be plenty of support to keep the face elevated, though given the height of it I would recommend placing a pillow under the chest.

This double bolster pillow is a lower profile option.

This wedge pillow seems like it would reduce fatigue in the back as it gently slopes up, offering chest support.

This hybrid face cradle is a superb option for home massage and looks like a very comfortable choice!

This face cradle is much more similar to the ones found on traditional massage tables and is kind of the “Cadillac” of prone pillows at a great price point. However, while it is super cool for home use as it is able to be attached to a bed, it IS NOT a good option for use in class.