Why is Stretching so Important?

stretching in Grants Pass

Many people think of stretching as something done by fitness enthusiasts or athletes. The truth is we all need to stretch in order to maintain our mobility and range of motion. Stretching should be a daily part of our wellness routines. But where to start?

Why Muscles Love Stretching

Stretching keeps the muscle tissue flexible, strong, and healthy. That suppleness & flexibility is critical in maintaining joint range of motion & strength. Without adequate stretching, muscles can shorten and become tight. Shortened muscles are weak muscles. When you ask a shortened muscle group to perform a strenuous or novel activity, their lack of mobility puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage.

Muscle strength is nothing more than potential for contraction. A lengthened (stretched) muscle has more potential for contraction that a shortened (tight) one.

When tight muscles are suddenly called on to perform a strenuous activity that stretches them, they may become damaged from that sudden abrupt stretch. Herein lies the importance of a regular stretching routine or at the very least, a warm up stretch. Regular stretching keeps muscles long, lean, and flexible, and this means that exertion is less likely to result in injury or soreness.

There are over 600 muscles in the human body!

So many muscles: where to start?

With a body full of muscles (over 600 as a matter of fact), adopting this concept of daily stretching may seem overwhelming. Luckily, you don’t have to stretch every single muscle you have in order to reap the benefits. Target critical mobility muscle groups for mobility such as calves, quadriceps, shoulders, neck, and low back. Keep your expectations sustainable any time you are building a new habit. Start with 1-2 times per week and build from there.

Find a bodywork practitioner who can assess your muscle strength & flexibility, coach & and assist you on proper technique and tailor a stretching program to fit your needs. Toni Skaggs LMT, resident Massage Therapist at Just Be Bodyworks has developed an Assisted Stretch Session offering to assist clients in learning more and benefitting from the power of proper stretch.

Assisted Stretching in Grants Pass

These Assisted Stretch Sessions consist of full body passive stretches in which the client lays clothed on a massage table and your practitioner does the stretches for you, assessing range of motion & increasing flexibility. Different neuromusclular & muscle energy techniques are incorporated as needed to help reset your muscles nuerological baseline resting position. After the session, Toni will help you to create a home stretching routine based on her findings.

  • stretching in Grants Pass
  • stretching in Grants Pass
  • stretching in Grants Pass

These sessions can be utilized one time to get you started on the road to a healthy stretching routine or scheduled periodically for accountability & reassessment on your journey. Assisted Stretch Sessions can be scheduled as a stand alone session, added on before or after your massage session or incorporated into your massage session.

How Often Should You Get Massage?

Grants Pass Massage

How often you should get a massage depends on several factors that you and your Massage Therapist can review to create a treatment plan that’s right for you and your bodywork goals. These factors include your physical, emotional, mental & energetic needs that are benefitted by massage, as well as more practical matters such as your scheduling preferences & budgetary allowances. 

What are the benefits of massage?

You will definitely experience the most health benefits when you commit to receiving massage regularly. Massage helps to calm and down-regulate the nervous system, improves cardiovascular and lymphatic circulation, reduces muscle pain & tension, manages stress and enhances bliss. If any of these benefits are a part of your bodywork goals then receiving massage on a regular basis should definitely be on your priority list!

Isn’t massage just a treat for special occasions?

Scheduling a massage a couple times a year as a treat for a birthday, anniversary or as part of a vacation is relaxing without a doubt. But one random massage can’t undo a lifetime of muscle tension or months or years of chronic pain. We call this “old-growth tension.”

A special occasion massage may help to relieve stress for a day or two, but recalibrating your nervous system and changing your baseline stress level takes time and commitment. It’s a lifestyle change.

So how often should I be receiving massage?

In a perfect world, once every week is ideal for getting your muscle tissue pliable and in good shape. This is especially true if you are addressing an acute injury or long standing chronic pain issue. Every other week is an effective treatment plan for making progress on these issues as well. Once you’re beginning to feel some changes, or if you’re already feeling relatively good massage sessions can be spaced out more. Once every four weeks is an optimum treatment plan to maintain tissue pliability & overall wellness.

Once every 4-6 weeks is the recommended minimum for maintaining the health of your tissue. If you start stretching out the time between your massages too far, then your muscles can revert back into to their old resting positions & neurological patterns. This is especially true if you happen to encounter stress, trauma or injury between sessions.

Sample Treatment Plan:

once a week for 4 sessions > every other week for 4 sessions > once every 4 weeks ongoing

The above scenario is simply a sample of what may be suggested for a chronic tension client. Often times once we get you to the point of extending time between sessions, we will try once and monitor progress. If there is a significant flare up in the in between time we may revert back to more frequency for a session or two. You are always encouraged to contact us to book another massage if there is a significant flare up. Healing is a process that you and your Massage Therapist will work closely together on accomplishing.

How can I fit frequent massage into my schedule or budget?

Just Be Bodyworks has worked out several ways to help fit massage into your budget, schedule & lifestyle.

Massage Therapist Availability

With several Massage Therapists on staff, we are able to not only cater to modality & pressure preferences, but scheduling needs as well. Book morning, afternoon and even some evening sessions (weekends coming soon!)

Pre-book as many sessions ahead of time as you like to ensure that you get the day, time of day and therapist that you prefer!

Massage Session Duration

The most common massage duration is a 60 minute session. This is generally more than enough time to compete a full body massage OR a targeted therapeutic session.

Get even more out of the availability your already making in your schedule by booking a 90 minute session instead. This is plenty of time for a full body massage WITH targeted therapeutic work on those areas needed a little more care.

Here’s a secret for you: did you know that Just Be Bodyworks has a 30 minute massage sessions available? These sessions are only able to be booked after an initial 60 or 90 minute session and are only made available to our dedicated clientele. Those clients committed to receiving massage once every week or two as part of a targeted therapeutic treatment plan can take advantage of 30 minute sessions. While it is a pragmatic option for extreme budgetary or scheduling conflicts, the 30 minute sessions are not the most ideal option as therapeutic treatment is limited to very targeted spot work.

Discounted Prepaid Series

Many many moons ago, Just Be Bodyworks offered prepay pricing bundles. We are very excited to announce, that prepaid options are back and better than ever!

These discounted series are set up to create self-care accountability and treatment plan accessibility with a 90 day expiration from time of purchase. By committing to receiving massage every two weeks or even….every week, you and your Massage Therapist will be able to make accelerated progress as you work through acute injury and/or chronic pain. You may even choose to recalibrate your stress level baseline or address any other unique bodywork goals you may have.

Choose from a series of four or eight 60 or 90 minute massage sessions at a discounted rate. PLEASE NOTE: these discounted series can ONLY be applied to massage sessions with Dee Marks LMT, Lilly Wisdom LMT &/or Toni Skaggs LMT. A 90 day expiration from the date of purchase is applied.

The short answer:

Respond to high pain, tension or stress levels with weekly massage

Maintain tissue health and overall wellness with monthly massage

If you wait too long between massage sessions, it is unlikely that you will experience the benefits to the fullest extent. Listen to your body, but don’t wait too long in an effort to save money. Massage is an investment in your health and wellness. Get the most return on investment by experiencing the full array of possibilities that frequent dedicated bodywork has to offer.

And there you have it, the perfect excuse to get even more massage.

The ‘Just Be’ Team – Meet Your Massage Therapist: Dee Marks LMT

Grants Pass Massage

Dee is a resident Massage Therapist here at Just Be Bodyworks, having joined the team in July of 2020 after 9 years experience owning her own massage business. She is our in-house Myofascial Cupping specialist as well as Craniosacral & Reiki practitioner. Dee’s Swedish Massage blended with these modalities is to DIE for!

Dee has a compassionate & nurturing touch and we are so blessed to have her skillset in the Just Be family. We thought you would like to get to know her and her craft better, so we had a little chat!

grants pass massage therapist
Dee and one of her beloved Dachshunds, Kermit

Just Be Bodyworks: “How long have you lived in Grants Pass / Southern Oregon? What is your favorite part about our community?”

Dee Marks LMT: “Moving here with my parents as a freshman in high school over 40 years ago, I have lived in the Rogue Valley ever since.  After I graduated high school and went to college, I married and raised my family locally. A favorite part of our community is the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. I have seen at least one play annually since 1981, the last play being “Peter and the Starcatchers” which was excellent.”

Just Be: “Tell us about your Massage Therapy training. Where did you go to school? What was your favorite class and why?”

Dee: “I received my initial massage therapy training at Rogue Community College approximately 10 years ago.  I have gone on to take continuing education classes in many modalities; everything from Cupping, Thai Massage, essential oils, etc.  I have to confess that I love to learn and take classes!  My favorite classes are the ones that I can walk away from and immediately put to use with my clients.  Three of my most commonly used modalities are Reiki, Craniosacral, and Cupping. “

Just Be: “What was your experience in the Massage industry prior to joining the Just Be Bodyworks family?”

Dee: “Prior to joining the Just Be team, I owned my own business for about 9 years. After suffering a major injury to my arm, I decided to let my business go and just enjoy coming to work each day without worrying about “business”!”

Grants Pass Massage Therapist
Dee at the Just Be Bodyworks Massage & Meditation Studio in Grants Pass

Just Be: What specialties & modalities do you offer? What style of massage do you love to do and why?

Dee: “The modalities I offer, usually incorporated into a single session, are Swedish Massage, Myofascial Cupping, Craniosacral, Reiki, and Trigger Point Therapy.”

Just Be: “What’s on your massage bucket list? What specialties & modalities do you feel called to pursue in the future?”

Dee: “Recently I have enjoyed learning myofascial cupping. This has provided relief to many of my clients and I would love to learn more in this fascinating area.”

Just Be: Who is your ideal client? What kind of humans do you enjoy working on and connecting with?

Dee: “My ideal client has a body to work on! Seriously though, I enjoy working with clients to help them be rested and relaxed. “

Grants Pass Massage Therapist
Dee Marks LMT and her husband Dave

Just Be: “What is your favorite part about your job as a Massage Therapist? Why do you do what you do?”

Dee: “The favorite part about my job is getting to connect with clients from all walks of life and stages.  Our bodies are all alike and yet so unique. Each person is like a puzzle waiting to be put together.  I initially got into massage therapy for my own families’ interest, but I soon realized that I loved the work and wanted to share it with others. “

Just Be: “What does your self-care routine look like? What hobbies & activities do you enjoy?”

Dee: “My own self-care involves exercise every day and massage at least once a month.  I have a love/hate relationship with my treadmill and I enjoy stretching and yoga videos.  As for my hobbies, I really enjoy cooking, baking, knitting, gardening, and reading a good book.  My family and grandchildren bless me each day with opportunities for all those things!”

Just Be: “What does it mean to you to “Just Be?” How do you create space to Just Be?”

Dee: “Just Be for me means that I just shut out the chatter and noise of the world and hold stillness.  I am happy to sit quietly and listen to the birds and yard sounds.  I love quiet….it helps quiet my inner self.”

Just Be: “Anything else you’d like to add?”

Dee: “It is an honor every day to come to work and love on my clients.  I hold it very dearly and consider myself very lucky that I can help them achieve their best health.”

Meet Your Massage Therapist: Toni Skaggs LMT

Grants Pass Massage Therapist

Hello my name is Toni! I am the owner and resident Massage Therapist here at Just Be Bodyworks. You can learn a little bit more about me by reading the Q/A’s down below!

Toni at the Just Be Bodyworks Massage & Meditation Studio in Grants Pass

Q: “How long have you lived in Grants Pass / Southern Oregon? What is your favorite part about our community?”

A: “I was born and raised in Grants Pass and I love that we are such a close community. There is a uniqueness in this little town and that’s what makes it home. I love that we are surrounded by nature and we embrace the resources that we have.”

Q: “Tell us about your Massage Therapy training. Where did you go to school? What was your favorite class and why?”

A: “I went to school at Ashland Institute of Massage. My favorite courses in school were Thai Massage and Sports Massage because I love the fact that both of these modalities include massage as well as lots of stretching techniques. I think that in having a client participate in the massage it helps a lot in the healing journey as it makes people focus and bring attention to their own body. I encourage people to move in any way that feels good to them as I am massaging. “

Q: “What was your experience in the Massage industry prior to joining the Just Be Bodyworks family?”

A: “Massage therapy has always interested me. I had a few massages as a teen and I just liked the idea of helping people and making people feel better. I worked at a chiropractic office before joining Just Be Bodyworks and I was amazed watching people walk in the door in agony, sometimes not able to stand and being able to walk out of the door feeling amazing. I strive for this and love the feeling I get when I am able to help relieve somebody’s pain.”

Toni enjoying the Oregon coast

Q: What specialties & modalities do you offer? What style of massage do you love to do and why?

A: “I currently offer Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, and assisted stretching. I love assisted stretching because I feel like it goes hand in hand with massage and creates a deeper and long lasting effect in combination with massage. I also really enjoy Fascial work. Fascia is the connective tissue that encases our muscles and internal organs; it’s kind of a big deal. I think of fascia as one big sheet and every once in a while you have to have those sheets ironed out. Just like muscles, your fascia can develop adhesions. Neglecting your fascia can lead to limited range of motion and pain.”

Q: “What’s on your massage bucket list? What specialties & modalities do you feel called to pursue in the future?”

A: “I would love to learn more about Thai Massage. “

Q: Who is your ideal client? What kind of humans do you enjoy working on and connecting with?

A: “I love working with anyone and everyone. Every Body is different so each client and massage is an adventure and a new connection. But if I had to pick one specific attribute I would like my client to have, it would be someone who is good at communicating! If you would like more or less pressure don’t be afraid to speak up!”

Toni & her husband Kaleb

Q: “What is your favorite part about your job as a Massage Therapist? Why do you do what you do?”

 A: “I do what I do to help people feel good- whether that be a knot that has been killing them or daily stress consuming them. I love to help people feel more comfortable in their body. When you’re comfortable in your body it helps you realize just how amazing the human structure is and how it can change and adapt. “

Q: “What does your self-care routine look like? What hobbies & activities do you enjoy?”

A: “I receive massage as often as possible. I often use cupping on myself as another form of self care and try and receive chiropractic care about once a month or once every other month. And baths; a lot of baths. Swinging in the hammock and listening to nature. I love being on the lake with my family, knee boarding, beach trips, kayaking, paddle boarding and even a good Netflix binge every-once in a while.”

Q: “What does it mean to you to “Just Be?” How do you create space to Just Be?”

A: “In my mind to “Just Be” is to unclench your jaw, release the tongue from the top of your mouth, roll your shoulders back, elongate your spine, unwind all of the tension in your body that you don’t consciously realize is there amidst a wild day. Take a big belly breath and release your stress, not by ignoring those thoughts but by accepting those thoughts, acknowledging them and just let them float away. Just be still.”

COVID-19 Response

UPDATED 3/13/22

Mask mandates have been lifted in Oregon. As an independently owned non-medical facility, Just Be Bodyworks has adopted a mask optional policy. Clients wishing to wear a mask are welcomed to do so and welcomed to request staff to wear one as well. Those who do not wish to wear a mask are not required to at this time, though your practitioner may request that you wear one depending on their individual comfort level.

We will still ask that you reschedule your appointment if you are feeling at all unwell and will ask that you wash your hands upon entering the studio. Rooms and linens are still sanitized thoroughly and staff is still practicing enhanced hand hygiene and wearing fresh aprons in between clients.


Mask mandates have been reinstated in Oregon. Just Be Bodyworks requires masks for clients and staff. We do ask that you reschedule your appointment if you are feeling at all unwell.


As of 6/30/21, Oregon lifted state mask mandates. On 7/27/21 the Oregon Health Authority put out a strong recommendation to reimplement universal mask use. As this is not a mandate, Just Be Bodyworks will not require client mask use but, rather, recommend it. Our staff may choose to wear one themselves at their discretion. If a client chooses to wear a mask, the therapist serving that client will offer to wear one as well.

Due to a rise in cases in our community, Just Be Bodyworks will continue to require hand washing upon entry of the building and additionally will be reinstating temperature screening as well as verbal screening for the following:

  • Fever in the last 24 hours of 100°F or above?
  • Respiratory symptoms, sore throat, or shortness of breath?
  • Contact with anyone in the last 10 days who has been diagnosed with COVID-19

Please contact the studio to reschedule if you are feeling at all unwell or are experiencing any of the above symptoms. If you are feeling healthy and coming in for your scheduled appointment, please always plan to check-in at the front desk 5-10 minutes before your appointment start time. Treatment rooms, lobby and linens will continue to be thoroughly disinfected before and after each client.

Thank you for your continued support of our small family owned business as we work hard striving to keep all of our clients, staff and community happy and healthy.


As of Wednesday June 30th 2021, COVID-19 restrictions, including the mask mandate, will be lifted in Oregon. What does this mean for your next massage appointment?

  • While you the client are no longer required to wear a mask, your LMT may or may not choose to wear one themselves at their discretion.
  • If you choose to continue to wear a mask yourself, your LMT will wear one as well.
  • We still ask that you show up 5-10 minutes before your appointment start time.
  • You no longer have to text and wait in your car upon arrival. You are welcome to come and gently knock on the door when you arrive. (We keep our door locked not because of Covid regulations but to avoid foot traffic wandering in when we are in session with a client, since we do not have dedicated front desk staff)
  • We will still ask that you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer upon entering the studio.
  • While we will no longer require the written Covid Waiver Form to be filled out, your LMT may verbally screen you for symptoms and take you temperature at their discretion.
  • Linens, as always, are laundered between every client under high heat settings.
  • Treatment rooms and lobby will still be thoroughly disinfected before and after each client.
  • Your LMT will still wear a fresh apron for each client session and practice enhanced hand hygiene.

The continued health, safety and comfort of our clients is, as always, our top priority. We so appreciate your support as we have evolved and grown through these uncertain times. We literally could not have survived this without your support, understanding and patience.


I have been a busy bee down at the studio getting it all prepped and ready for you! I’ve had two weeks of “soft” re-opening, seeing a client or two a day and running through all the the new safety & sanitation protocols. Our books are now open and filling up fast with new and returning clients.

I understand that this reopening process must be done mindfully, carefully & safely. The health & safety of our clients & therapists is our NUMBER ONE priority. I want to share with you some of the updated procedures & protocols being implemented at the studio so that when you are ready & comfortable booking your next massage, you can enter the studio in full confidence & reassurance that this is a safe space in which you can seek relaxation & healing.


  • Upon entering the studio you will immediately be asked to have your temperature taken with a touch less infrared thermometer & wash your hands with soap and water. Hand sanitizer is available in the lobby & treatment rooms as well.
  • Prior to your treatment you will be asked to complete a brief health screening questionnaire & waiver. Questions are pertinent to covid related symptoms as well as acknowledging the close contact nature of massage therapy.
  • We do ask that you bring & wear a mask. Your therapist will be wearing one as well. The masks with the ear loops are ideal for massage as there are no straps or ties that hinder work on the neck. If you do not have such a mask, we do have a limited supply available for you to use. You are welcome to remove the mask during the face down portion of your session.
  • We ask that you show up 5-10 minutes before your appointment start time to allow time for these new procedures. Please do not show up more than 10 minutes early as we need all of our time in between to sanitize the space and avoid clients overlapping in the lobby.


  • Linens, as always, are laundered between every client under high heat settings. Clean linens now go directly from the dryer into a sanitized plastic airtight tote.
  • Treatment rooms and lobby are thoroughly disinfected before and after each client.
  • We are wearing masks, donning fresh aprons for each client session and practicing enhanced hand hygiene practices in addition to a plethora of updated health & safety protocols.

These last couple of months have been wrought with so much stress & uncertainty. Relaxing & receiving massage at Just Be Bodyworks, you can be certain that we’ve got your back…..you neck…. and your feet! When ever you’re comfortable doing so, we are happy to book your next massage session!

-Jess McClain LMT


In accordance with the Oregon State mandate set forth on 3/23/2020 in the Governors Executive Order 20-12, Just Be Bodyworks massage & wellness education studio will remain closed to the public & patrons until the mandate is lifted & the COVID-19 threat has passed.

At this time I do still plan to move forward with prior plans to expand and bring more Massage Therapists into the Just Be Bodyworks family just as soon as we are allowed and able to. I truly believe that massage, mindful touch and community wellness will be more important than EVER on the other side of these unfortunate events.

In response to this unprecedented closure, and to fulfill our promise of wellness resources to our clients, Just Be Bodyworks is offering free, donation based & discounted resources online, such as:

We are also in the process of developing:

As a small locally owned business, this closure does not come without financial difficulty but I am committed to holding this space for as long as I am able. I literally cannot see myself doing anything else. Just Be Bodyworks has been my dream, my passion & my baby and I have no intentions of letting it go. Please explore some of the above online offerings to support yours & your familys well-being through this time of crisis, and also to offer support to a small local business as well. If you’d like to learn more, you can join our mailing list or follow us on Facebook.

Thank you for your continued support and I can’t wait to see you all when this storm passes. Stay safe, stay healthy.

-Jess McClain LMT


I’ve made the heart wrenching but necessary decision to temporarily shut the doors of Just Be Bodyworks due to the COVID-19 epidemic, until further notice. The plan is to stay fluid and flexible as this situation continues to evolve, but I do foresee this closure being in place for at least 3 weeks, probably longer.

If you have an appointment on the books for April, I will be in contact with you the week before your scheduled session to cancel/reschedule. All group classes at the studio for March & April have been cancelled or moved to an online format. If you have purchased a class ticket in advance, I will be in contact to process a refund or credit.

Now more than ever, self-care, stress management & wellness is of the utmost importance & I sincerely hope that you will create some space to Just Be during this season of uncertainty. Follow us on Facebook for home self-care content, live stream meditations & online classes during this closure.

The health and safety of my clients is of the utmost importance and I look forward to seeing you all once this storm passes.

All storms run out of rain….eventually.

-Jess McClain LMT

Just Be Bodyworks is EXPANDING!

Pardon our dust! 🔨🔨🔨

There’s been some big changes happening at the studio and my hands have been abundantly full of massage clients and…..construction tools!

I suppose it’s time to announce that Just Be Bodyworks is EXPANDING!

This January I celebrated 8 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist and Just Be has existed for 5 of those years. This business and this vision has been my passion and my baby. I literally LOVE not only what I do but where I do it. Every day as I walk into the studio I just bubble up with gratitude and love.

This past year, with the addition of meditation and massage classes and the transition to LLC, this business has become its own entity and in my mind, Just Be is personified. She, and I, are ready to EXPAND! So we are stretching out, busting at the seams and knocking holes in walls!

Just Be Bodyworks is expanding into the space next door and will include a proper lobby and reception area as well as 2 new treatment rooms. I am hiring massage therapist employees to provide the same caliber of exceptional massage services the community has come to expect from Just Be Bodyworks, in a newly renovated tranquil environment that connects to the existing studio. These changes allow for more scheduling availability for massage sessions as well as slightly larger class sizes for our meditation groups and massage classes.

Ill be announcing the new LMT line up & opening date VERY soon. In the meantime, massage sessions with me as well as the March partners massage class and meditation groups in the existing studio will continue uninterrupted during the remainder of the renovation. We will take a break from the kids workshops and infant classes, to resume in April.

If you’d like to learn more about whats available at the studio feel free to reach out! Be sure to follow us on Facebook to stay in the loop on the upcoming changes.

Let’s get you on the pre-booking list for the AMAZING new LMTs coming aboard! Email us at relax@justbebodyworks.com or call 541-659-2225 to save book your session.

A million gratitudes for your your support as we GROW! 🙏

Neck Pain Relief DIY’s

massage grants pass

I spent this past weekend combing for pretty rocks & agates on a beach in Brookings. While I did find a few nice treasures, the hours of looking down left me with a bit of a pain in the neck! 

Many daily activities put our neck in a prolonged forward flexion (chin towards chest), a forward head posture (chin out away from mid-line) and our shoulder blades protracted (curving forward). Rock hunting, crafting, working at a computer & staring at our phones elongate & weaken muscle groups such as deep cervical (neck) flexors, cervical erectors and shoulder blade retractors and tighten.

While these muscles are weakened, other intricate musculature of the neck such as the suboccipitals (base of the skull) levator scapulae & scalenes (sides of the neck) & SCM (front of the neck) are shortened or tightened. The pecs are often affected as well.

All of this to illustrate the perfect storm that causes many of us so much discomfort, pain, range of motion restrictions, headaches & even numbness or tingling in the arms & hands. There are many massage techniques that can help to bring balance back to the neck & shoulder musculature and alleviate these symptoms.

While I am happy to book you a session with one of our talented Massage Therapists that utilize modalities such as trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, neuromuscular techniques, range of motion exercises, cupping therapy and/or scar tissue mobilization, there are also many things that you can do at home to bring about relief and reduce that nagging pain in the neck.

Hydrotherapy for Neck Pain

Hydrotherapy in the body therapy world simply means applying ice or heat to an affected area.

When to Use Ice

In most cases of neck pain there is likely inflammation present. While heat often feels nice and is soothing & relaxing, in the long run it can actually exacerbate inflammation. In most cases, I recommend the application ice for neck pain & discomfort to reduce inflammation.

When to Use Heat

Occasionally I will recommend heat in cases of chronic stiffness or acute range of motion limitations (waking up with a “stiff neck”), as it can be helpful to bring blood flow and loosen tight muscles.

Contrast Hydrotherapy

Most people don’t love applying ice despite it’s benefits. If you prefer the comfort of heat, I recommend contrast hydrotherapy. Apply ice for 10-15 minutes followed by heat for 10-15 minutes. Continue to alternate for as long as desired but I generally recommend ending your cycle with ice.

Stretching for Neck Pain

Lengthening or stretching affected muscles and muscle groups involved in neck pain can help to reduce muscle tension, increase range of motion and let’s be honest, feels amazing! “Stretch” is one of my most favorite sensations. The muscle groups you want to target are the lateral (side) neck & the chest as these are generally shorted in modern posture.

For an effective chest stretch:

  • Face a corner of a room or stand in a doorway. Place your forearms against each wall (or each door jamb) with your elbows slightly below shoulder level.
  • Lean forward until you feel a stretch in your chest (pecs) under your collarbone.
  • Hold for up to a minute.
  • Respositioning your forearms higher or lower will target different fibers of the pec & shoulder girdle muscle.

For an effective lateral flexion neck stretch:

  • Stand or sit so that your hips are square, shoulders are relaxed & chin in slightly tucked.
  • Bend your neck so that your ear is reaching towards your shoulder but do not lift the shoulder.
  • Hold for up to a minute
  • Adjusting the position of your chin by tucking in & pointing out will target different fibers of the neck musculature.
  • You may also increase this stretch over time by reaching up with the arm that you are leaning your head towards, placing your hand on side of your head over the ear and very gently pressing down.

Incorporating stretching into your daily routine or adopting a yoga practice can be an effective way to avoid neck discomfort & promote balance proactively.

Neck Muscle Activation

So we have stretched the shortened muscles, now it is time to activate the lengthened muscles. The following is a homework exercise that I often give to massage clients who’s treatment plan is focused towards neck pain or headache relief.

Posterior Cervical Muscle Activation Exercise:

  • Lay on your back on a firm surface. A yoga mat on the floor is ideal. Lay on a couch with your head on the arm of the couch can work so long as you are able to cushion your upper back with pillows to maintain a natural spine position. A bed is generally too soft for the exercise.
  • Gently press the back of your head down into the floor or couch arm, tucking your chin slightly
  • While maintaining this downward pressure, slowly & gently rotate your head a quarter turn to the right, pause, and slowly rotate back to center and repeat to the left.
  • Repeat this slow gentle rotation to each side 4-6 times 1-2 times a day.

Home Neck Massage

In a pinch or in between professional massage sessions, applying effective self massage or exchanging massage with a partner can absolutely do wonders to not only alleviate neck pain, but can foster a sense of empowerment at your ability to take your pain management & wellness into your own hands (pun intended).

Taking one of my Just Be Together partners massage upper body classes is a great way to learn neck, shoulder & upper back massage techniques as well as tips to save yours and your partners hands when giving massage. With these classes you are able to train your partner, best friend or sibling to give you YOUR ideal massage effectively at home.

You are also able to apply effective massage to yourself at home with a few tools and alterations. My favorite technique to effective neck self-massage utilizes tennis balls to apply pressure to targeted areas.

Tennis Ball Self Neck Massage:

  • Stand against a wall or lay flat on the ground.
  • Place one tennis ball at the base of the skull on the affected side of the neck, or place two tennis balls, one on either side of the spine.
  • If standing against wall, gently move around to allow the pressure of the tennis ball(s) to shift back & forth, up & down.
  • If laying, simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your neck to relax and stretch over the tennis ball.
  • Re-position tennis ball(s) to lower portion of neck, at the junction of the neck and shoulder and/or the upper back between the shoulder blade & the spine. Repeat exercises for standing or laying, in the various affected muscle group areas for 5-10 minutes, 1-2 times per day.

There are many tools that you can use to accentuate your home massage practice whether solo or with a partner. Foam rollers, pressure point canes & cups are all affordable & effective accessories to help in alleviating neck pain.

Herbs & Oils to Alleviate Neck Pain

There are many topical analgesics on the market today but many are comprised of potentially harmful chemicals. To each their own and use what feels right to you. I however have a few natural products that I recommend.


Arnica Montana is helpful herb in alleviating swelling & bruising and aiding in soft tissue damage repair found in acute injuries of the neck. There are several arnica containing creams, oils & ointments on the market but I personally love Wild Rose Herbs Bloom Muscle Rub. Arnica is also effective when taken internally.

Herbs such as Valerian root and passionflower as well as magnesium can be helpful at alleviating muscle tension & reducing neck pain when taken internally. Formula 303 is a botanical muscle relaxant that combines these ingredients to offer effective relief to neck pain. These are available in our online store and in the studio.

Essential Oils

Some essential oils can help to temporarily inhibit pain signals when used topically. Helichrysum, Peppermint, Clove, Copaiba and my personal favorite, Wintergreen are available as single undiluted essential oils, in essential oil blends such as Panaway or Deep Relief or Cool Azul or in creams & rubs containing these essential oils.

One of my absolute favorite essential oil topical analgesic creams is Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream. I trust the effectiveness of high quality essential products so much that I became a distributor for Young Living. I am happy to order any of these products for you.

When using any herb or essential oil application, be sure that it contains quality ingredients and is produced by a company of high integrity. Wild Rose Herbs & Herb Pharm are at the top of my list locally and Young Livings Seed to Seal Promise is unparalleled.

Bringing a Conclusion to Neck Pain

I trust that you will find these practical DIY home treatments for neck pain to be a tangible relief and a reminder that YOU are capable of advocating for your own healing. While I am always happy to book a massage session at the studio to work with you towards your pain management goals, I find that we bring about more lasting progress on my massage table, when you are empowered and encouraged to apply self-therapy at home as well.

All Hallows Thoughts: Living Fearless

“Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.”

– Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

Fear: an unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined. Often unexpected. At times, debilitating.

How intertwined fear and stress are, each triggering the same fight or flight response physiologically. And yet how different, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

Are you freezing because of danger….or discomfort?

Are you running from a threat….or from a challenge?

Are you fighting for your literal life….or for your perception of how that live ought to be lived?

Stressor or danger?

Intuition or fear?

Thriving or surviving?

Highest Potential or Basic Instinct?

I mean, all a zombie needs is an intact brain stem….just sayin….

You have an entire brain, an entire heart, an entire existence just waiting for a spark. Just one bolt of lightning to raise you from the perceived grave of burnout, overwhelm, fear, anxiety and chronic stress that you find yourself in.

Grab your shovel, shake off the dust and step out of the shadow of fear. There is a whole world out here waiting for your unique uninhibited creative spark and the power incarnate there.


YOU are alive.

So live.



Recommended Oils & Lotions for Home Massage

Recommended Massage Oils

*As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases, but the price to you is the same.

So you’ve taken or are preparing to take on of the Just Be Together partners massage classes? Or maybe you’re just looking to develop a DIY a home massage practice with your partner.

There are several ways to make a home massage practice more comfortable for you and your partner. The Just Be Together classes will teach you techniques and body mechanics to make the act of giving a massage easier on your body. There are also several tools that can help both the giver and the receiver.

Purchasing a massage table or a prone pillow is a great investment if you plan to really dive into your home massage practice. Choosing the right massage lotion or oil for your home massage practice is an important investment as well. But with so many options available, how do you know which one is right for you?

Well lucky for you, I play favorites. And I’m always happy to share my opinions.

Earthlite Massage Lotion & Oil

I have used Earthlite products in my massage practice since 2013. I’ve tried SEVERAL other brands before and this is hands down my absolute favorite for bulk, unscented lotion and oil. Now my personal bias leans more towards lotion mostly because I’m clumsy and oil can be messy in clumsy hands.

I use Earthlites All-In-One Massage Lotion 90% of the time in my massage practice. It offers the perfect level of absorbency and never leaves you feeling greasy or oily. Sweet almond, sesame seed, safflower and vitamin-E oils combined with lavender, chamomile & lemon balm extracts give it the optimal balance between glide and friction. Paraben, silicone, mineral oil free.

But I also have available Earthlites Nut-Free Massage Oil as well. It does not contain any nut oils, parabens, silicones, fragrances or mineral oils. A blend of safflower, sunflower, jojoba and avocado oils gives it a light smooth glide.

In the Just Be Together partners massage classes you are offered a sample of either the oil or lotion to use in class and take home with you. If you love these samples, they are available to purchase online in either 8oz or 1 gallon bottles.

Young Living Essential Oil Products

In class, you are also offered samples of some of Young Livings essential oils products. These products range from bottles of single source essential oils & massage oil blends all the way to cosmetics , household products and even toothpaste. Young Living products are plant based, toxin-free and from trusted sources.

In the upper body class we sample Young Livings Relaxation Massage Oil to add an aroma therapy experience as we learn neck massage techniques. Relaxation combines specifically selected vegetable oils with the soothing essential oil scents of Lavender, Tangerine, Coriander, and Spearmint for maximum relaxation.

In the lower body class we sample Young Livings Tea Tree Essential Oil for it’s cleansing properties and a refreshing scent to de-funk some of those funkier feet. Sad feet should never miss a massage and Tea Tree helps to make them happy!

There are countless way to use Young Living Products as a part of your home massage practice. As a Young Living Independent Distributor, I am happy to connect with either of the products sampled in class as well as any of Young Livings 600+ plant based essential oil products. This includes a full line of massage oils and essential oil singles & blends. Contact me to order or attend one of my free Essential Oil classes to learn more.

Shop Local: Wild Rose Herbs

If buying local is more your style, you can also find great massage products from Wild Rose Herbs, a local Grants Pass, woman-owned business. My favorite is the Bloom – Gentle Arnica Muscle Rub. They also have divine bath salts for your self-care routine and yummy lip balms for kissable lips.

Just Be Together

Regardless of which product you choose, at the end of the day all that matters is that you and your partner create some space to Just Be Together. Learning massage can be an exceptional way to deepen your bond and relieve each others stress and tension. Plus, it’s just nice.

Join me for an upcoming Just Be Together partners massage class to learn the skills & techniques needed for an effective home massage practice.

How to Boost Your Relationship Wellness

Relationship Wellness

My husband is my best friend, my partner in crime, my favorite human and the guy legally required to warm my feet up at night. This year (2019) marked 4 years married and 9 years together. You guys, we’ve almost made it a DECADE!!! All this love in the air has me thinking a lot about love in general but about relationship wellness in particular. What is relationship wellness? Well, it’s kind of a two part act:

Relationship Integrity – this the heartbeat and health of your relationship. How well you communicate, interact, spend intentional time together and support one another. How you navigate life together.

Partner Accountability – this is how you encourage one another and hold each other accountable in your own individual wellness journeys. How you navigate life apart.

The Five Love Languages

There is this beautiful relationship theory called The Five Love Languages. These are the different ways in which people show love and affection and everyone tends to have a dominant love language or two that they’re more fluent in.

Those 5 love languages are:

  • receiving/ giving gifts
  • quality time together
  • words of affirmation
  • acts of service
  • physical touch

My husbands dominant love languages tends to be gifts and acts of service. Mine is quality time and physical touch. Surprise surprise coming from the massage lady, I know.  What are your’s and your partners dominant love languages? Use this handy quiz to find out!

Peanut Butter Cups

There are different ways that you can utilize these different 5 love languages to either support one another’s health or help each other create excuses. For example, my husbands love languages of gifts& acts of service. He loves to bring home random little gifts or treats to let me know he was thinking of me during his day.

Do I love Reese’s peanut butter cups? Absolutely!!! Do I love that he remembers this and thinks of me when he is at the store? Absolutely!!! Is it beneficial to my health and wellness goals for my husband to bring me a Reese’s peanut buttercup once or twice a week? Well it’s not going to kill me, most likely, but there are other healthier other options. How do I let him know this? COMMUNICATION!

Relationship Peace

This is a conversation that we’ve had over the years, so now when he feels that he feels the need to speak his love language of gifts he’ll grab something that aligns more with my health goals like a gluten-free treat or some dairy free ice cream. He expresses his love in his native language, I feel his expression of love AND I stay mostly in line with my wellness goals.

Except that one time he brought home a Reeses after using a sharpie to write “Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Non-GMO” on the wrapper. Nice try!

Accountability in Relationships

When we put some intentional supportive thought into the ways in which we show your love and affection you can open up some really beautiful conversations with your partner. Have you ever asked each other about wellness goals and how you can best show support for those goals? This doesn’t just have to be about diet! These goals can be exercise, sleep, stretching or yoga, meditation, self-care, stress management, work life balance, screen time, time in nature, friendships and family relationships, spirituality…. anything that makes you feel whole, healed and well.

Now, I am a huge believer that life is all about balance. Once in a blue moon, if Husband decides he wants to be nostalgic and bring home a Reeses, you best believe I eat that sucker up with gratitude but I know that ultimately, he understands, respects and supports my goals. I know this because we took the opportunity to talk about it. Any time that we are able speak in truth and transparency with our partner is a time that should be cherished.

That being said, communication is the key here! There has to be some proactive conversation ahead of time. If my husband just decided for himself that I need to start eating healthier and suddenly started bringing you home salads in place of Reeses, that could potentially be misinterpreted.

It ALWAYS comes back to communication. I challenge you to create some space to speak with your partner about each other’s personal health & wellness goals and find ways in which you can support one another’s journey.

Holding Up A Mirror in Relationships

Holding Up A Mirror

Holding up a mirror is a term that I like to use a lot. When we hold up a mirror for our partner we are able to reflect back to them their own goals, dreams & desires in times that their own vision may be clouded. In this way we can gently hold them accountable to the vision they hold true for their own life.

This does not mean holding your partner accountable to your views for their life.  I’m not going to hold my husband accountable to my expectations for what I think his health and wellness goals should be. I do still encourage him and make information available to him when I find it but the accountability and desire has to originate from within.

 It is challenging and yet so beautiful to find a space of transparency in your relationship where you are able say “Hey remember when we sat down and you expressed your goals and the direction that you wanted your journey to go? Do you feel that what you’re doing right now is falling in line with that highest good?”

It creates a discussion and an opportunity to check in with yourselves and each other with out the confrontation of “calling them out.” A gentle way of holding up a mirror and being a supportive partner to one another. Encouraging each other  to take care of yourselves as individuals and to work together as partners to hold each other accountable to the  goals that you’ve already set forth for yourselves.

Relationship Integrity: Relationship With Self

Ultimately you are merging two lives together. Two independent separate beings who’s lives together can be even better and even more enhanced by what you each bring to the table. Each living your best life separately but also living your best life together. When you start to speak transparently about priorities in relationships some debate can be brought forth. For instance, we tend to think of relationships as 50/50 but perhaps they should be 100/100.

My husband and I have learned a lot in our 4 years of marriage and the 5 years of partnership prior to that. The one lesson that we revisit constantly is that while it is commonly acceptable in our society to say that your significant other is your number one priority in life, we challenge that perspective. In the conversation that we’ve had over almost a decade, we’ve come to realize that your spouse cannot be your number one. Together we have learn that you can only love, respect and care for someone as deeply as you love, respect and care for yourself.

You have to be your number one so that you can show up not only for yourself but for your partner, your relationship and your family. Putting your own self-care, stress management, health and wellness first so that when your cup runneth over, you can then pour into your partner and vice versa. If each partner puts them self first, inevitably the relationship will flourish. Two  healthy, happy, whole beings joined together.

Relationship Communication

Relationship Integrity: A Note For Parents

Another debatable relationship priority is that your relationship with your spouse should come ahead of your relationship with your children. Now before you come after me with pitchforks, this is this is purely theoretical idea that a friend introduced me to. My husband and I don’t have children of our own yet so this concept is not something that I have been able to stretch out into and explore. Even not being a parent myself, when my friend (who is a parent) brought up this concept, red flags went of in my brain.

She went on to suggest that your relationship with your spouse, whether it be with your with your children’s biological parents or with a step parent, is modeling relationships for your children in the future. And went on to say that if your relationship is strong then you are going to work better as a team to raise children and nurture your family unit. It’s important to note that this theory only applies to healthy dynamics where your childs health and safety are not at risk.


  • 1. Self
  • 2. Partner
  • 3. Children

But more important than putting numbers to a priority list it driving the point home that intentional self-care  and intentional relationship care paramount to your overall happiness, co-habitation & the building of a contended life.

How Partners Massage Can Help

Our partners massage classes are a great way to reinforce and strengthen or any one of those five love languages.

  • Receiving/ giving gifts – gifting each other massage or massage tools and oils to enhance your home practice.
  • Quality time together – a massage can be 5 minutes or 2 hours. However long, it’s intetional time spent together.
  • Words of affirmation – communicating and giving your partner feedback on how much you enjoy their massage.
  • Acts of service – offering massage after a long day to ease each other’s stress & tension.
  • Physical touch – massage, massage, MASSAGE!
Relationship Wellness

These classes are a great way to create intentional communication in your relationship, enhance intimacy, build trust and reignite a spark or to keep it lit. If you feel like your relationship with your partner is  floundering, the simple act of creating intentional space together can make all of the difference. It does not have to be these partners massage classes. It can be as simple as a date night, dinner for two at home, taking some intentional time just sit down and talk together. Don’t pass the time next to each other. Spend it together. Invest in your shared love. Communicate and discover ways that you can support each other to be the best version of yourselves.

Just Be Together.

P.S. If you want to get really really sappy with me, check out this poem that I wrote right before my husband and I got married. It speaks to this idea of putting oneself first. What can I say, I’m a romantic!

Take Care Of You

Your self-care, your stress management and your health & wellness have to be your top priority. regardless of what relationships come after, they will all flourish if the relationship with your self is strong and healthy.

Learn More

You can learn more about relationship wellness & partners massage by following my Facebook page or subscribing to my Youtube channel. Check out this Relationship Wellness video.