What is Age?

What is age?

This past weekend I turned 30. The big 3-0. Dirty thirty. Over the hill.

People wince in the assumption that I require sympathy for the heaviness found in the realization of my impending doom.

What is age?

But the truth is:

I have been looking forward to my thirties since before I entered my twenties. I’ve looked forward to the wisdom that crowds around the eyes. The grace that caresses the cheek. The confidence that settles into the chest. The ease that sprawls out across the very essence of who you are.

I’ve looked forward to the languid yummy swoon of age and the power incarnate there. A welcome respite in contrast to the hurried whirlwind season of seeking in youth. No longer trying to prove oneself but rather simply ‘being’ oneself. Stretching out to the tips of your existence and pausing in the delicious ecstatic space found there between the fibers of your being.

Age is just a number. You can choose to count it in years or in blessings, joy and wisdom.

Stepping into your power is a process that takes decades to do. One foot at a time, pulled up over the hips and here, we begin the slow sacred ritual of zipping. Leaving the insecurity and woe of youth puddled around our feet.

No hurry. No agenda. No theatrics. Just the knowing that someday, along with grayed tresses, well-loved skin, unwavering truths and impeccable words, we will suddenly find that we are all zipped up. A being, whole, healed and home. Eventually, the only sign of youth will be the twinkling mischievous eyes that have seen the full spectrum swing of life and have endless stories to tell….or to keep a mystery.

Age is just a number.


But for now, lets see what 30 is all about.

I’ve found that age is just a number. You can choose to count it in years or in blessings, joy and wisdom.

I spent the weekend being celebrated by my friends and family, exploring the city of Seattle and settling into this new season of life.

What is Explicit Meditation?

explicit meditation

The when, where, why & WTF of explicit meditation.

I was honestly on the fence about offering this event. How might it be received? Everyone’s going to know that I’m a potty mouth! Etc. etc. But I finally decided that I was just going to do it. F*** it, right!?

What is explicit guided mediation? Weaving profanities into my meditation language: saying things like “let that sh** go” or “calm the f*** down” or any of that stronger “taboo” language.

If you’re thinking, “Say no more! Sign me up!!” Great! Click this lil button and lets go!

If you still have questions…read on. I promise it gets good.

Now, this is obviously not language that I use regularly with my clients. Part of my hesitation in offering this event was in how it may be received by my more modest clientele. But bear with me. This is a special event and there are a few personal reasons why I wanted to offer this.

You may be wondering why I’m suggesting that you come meditate to profane language? It turns out science wants you to. The brain links obscenities with emotion. When you are able to express your emotions, you are able to cope with them better, relieve stress and even reduce pain.

Even if you don’t consider yourself a “potty mouth” in your daily use of language, when was the last time you swore, even just in your own head. Maybe you stubbed your toe, maybe you realized you forgot something important, maybe someone really just p*ssed you off. A silent mental “sh**” or even a “f***” under your breath was the gentle therapy you offered your brain to cope with pain, stress and disappointment.

Language has power. Plain and simple. The words that we say to ourselves and to the world express our own inner reality and validate our emotions. Sometimes a “no” feels even more powerful with a “f*ck” behind it. “F*ck no!”


The use of strong language triggers emotional centers in your brain so that you are able to express what you’re feeling with more clarity, at least that’s how your brain perceives it. You obviously still express what you’re feeling without using strong language. But when you do use strong language it really ignites that emotional center of your brain and adds an extra layer of transparency & authenticity to your expression.

The more that we release our emotions, the less impact they have on us. One of the greatest ways in which to release them is to communicate them. With that communication, the more likely we are able to instigate a change in the situation around us. Everything really distills down to communication & expressing yourself; both things that help immensely with stress management. The more that you hold it in and bite your tongue and refuse to speak your truth the more that stress builds up.

I want you to stop biting your tongue!!!

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should run around town screaming expletives at everyone that’s p*ssed you off! However, you can use this language in a therapeutic & intentional way. We talk a lot about having intention in what we say or being impeccable with your word.

Running around dropping F-bombs all over the place is not necessarily the most intentional use of language nor the most beneficial. To use expletive language in an intentional way such as in meditation can truly help your brain to release some of that built up stress.


A study in the UK actually found that using strong language triggers a pain inhibitor. The theory here was that it actually activated the emotional center of the brain to trigger a fight or flight response. Now usually when we are talking about stress-management, the fight or flight brain space is something that we try to avoid. But again, when used in an intentional way and towards the benefit of pain management, triggering that fight or flight response can be beneficial.

In this study subjects immersed their hand in ice water. The intense cold mimics pain in the body. A study group was asked to used expletive language while the control group was asked to use expressive but “clean” language. They found that the group that was utilizing the stronger language was able to withstand the pain and keep their hand submerged in the ice water quite a bit longer than the control group that wasn’t using “taboo” language.


It has been found that using strong language activates the right side of the brain, which is the more creative side of the brain. This is interesting because language processing, in general, is usually done in the left side of the brain which is the more logical analytical side of the brain. It takes some creativity to figure out precisely where in your sentence or expression you would like to insert this word, which in itself doesn’t necessarily have context to what you’re saying but puts some power & ‘oomph’ behind it.

Whether you’re using it for good or for bad, colorful language does activate that creative side of the brain. You get the benefit of creation similar to painting, singing or dancing. Because we live so often in the left logical analytical side of the brain in day to day adulting, anything that activates the other more creative side is going to help in balancing things out and ultimately reduces stress. Anything that you are able to do that is creative can be a huge part of your self-care. If all that you end up having time for painting some colorful creative sentences, then let’s take it where we can get it.

Sometimes a “no” feels even more final with a “f*ck” behind it.


This special meditation event allows for the opportunity to check out another side of guided meditation. A little less woo-woo than your traditional meditation group. My regular guided meditation group are already incredibly laid back, casual and low expectation. No lotus position or hand mudras required. Come as you are.

But if you’re craving something even more approachable, the explicit guided meditation groups are an opportunity to get the benefits of meditation in a format that is COMPLETLEY casual, mellow and all about relaxing and chilling the F out. This gives you a fun new format & vibe to warm up to meditation with, as well and the added benefits of using explicit language.

So! I offered up my very first Let That Sh*t Go – Explicit Guided Meditation 2 days before my 30th Birthday in the summer of 2019. My own little rebellious way of celebrating. This and future explicit meditation groups are offered in the evening and have by far been our most popular class, second only to our Partners Massage Classes. When offered in person at the studio, Explicit Meditation includes a complimentary beer, wine or cider in the spirit of not giving a f*ck and quite often sells out quick. When offered online you are welcomed and encouraged to grab libation of your choice and get cozy with some headphones.

This is honestly a risky endeavor as a business owner, but has become so near and dear to my heart and to the hearts of a select niche of clientele. While there is nothing in it other than the pure intention to offer up an alternative form of stress management, the mode by which I’m offering it is a bit taboo. Maybe you read this post and find yourself offended at the censored language within; astonished at my audacity. Maybe you read it and thought “FINALLY! This is exactly what I need!” and realize that I am even more ‘your people’ than you originally thought.

So, take or leave it.


So, you are cordially invited to join me for this one of a kind adult only (21+) guided meditation group. Enjoy the benefits of traditional meditation along with the added bonus of transparency, honesty and expletives to work through how we’re really f*cking feeling.

*Please note that all in-studio offerings are pending current Covid regulations at any given time. Please be sure to double check whether you are registering for a virtual or in-studio meditation and if it is a “Let That Sh*t Go Explicit Guided Meditation” or our regular guided meditation which is “Just Be Calm Guided Meditation”. As of 4/1/2021 we do not currently have any in-studio meditations scheduled.

If this is right up your alley, you can learn more about it in this video.

If this is so not your scene, then disregard and join me for my more wholesome offerings in the future.

You see I’m in my 30’s now so maybe I’m feeling a little burst of rebelliousness as I leave my 20’s behind me.

Or maybe, I’m just done giving a f*ck.

Pregnancy Summer Survival Guide

Pregnancy can be one of the most beautiful, life changing, magical experiences in a woman’s life, as she completes the miraculous feat of creating a whole new human inside of her.

Pregnancy can also be one of the most frustrating, uncomfortable & distressing experiences of a woman’s life as her body contorts & stretches into crazy new configurations to accommodate that whole new human inside of her.

Doubly so if she is simultaneously trying to survive the fun, festive, harsh & unbearable summer months. Oh the duality that is life.

Here is a quick survival guide for those brave mamas making it through yet another season of life.

Summer Bummer #1 – Dehydration

Getting enough fluids is especially tough in the hot summer months, but staying hydrated is especially important in pregnancy. Ordinarily, you should try to drink at least 10 cups of liquids every day, but in the summer, you need to add 8 ounces for every hour you spend in the heat, since that’s about the amount you’ll be sweating out. Make it fun and sip some fancy mock-tails by the water or make up some fruity hydrating home-made popsicles.

Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide - Hydration

Summer Bummer #2 – Pregnancy Swelling

It’s no secret that the legs, ankles, and feet hiding under that pregnant belly are prone to swelling, and the summer heat only makes it worse. Take every chance you can to get off of your feet and lift them up. For added soothing power try placing a cold, damp towel over your legs. Try some self-massage starting at the feet and working up the legs, with gentle strokes towards the heart. Can’t reach your feet anymore? Ask your partner to rub those tootsies for you. Or better yet, schedule a private partners massage lesson or a professional prenatal massage session.

Summer Bummer #3 – Why is it SO hot!?!?

All of that extra blood in your body, not to mention a whole extra person, pregnancy can leave you feeling like one hot mama! Even MORE so during summer months. For a woman’s body to handle the extra blood, vessels dilate slightly, bringing blood closer to the surface of the skin, causing you to feel warmer. Keep yourself cool by chasing the water! Swimming, floating or just sitting in a sprinkler does wonders. Bonus point for floaties that help you to elevate your feet at the same time.

Summer Bummer #4 – Clumsy Preggo

As your pregnant belly grows rapidly and your body goes through a daily remodeling, your proprioception can be seriously thrown off! Proprioception is the “sixth sense” that allows us to determine where our body is moving in space and is essential to our normal execution of basic movements & function. (I.e. sitting down in a chair, bringing food to our mouth, scratching your ear, walking through your home without bumping your belly into EVERY corner!) Massage utilizes sensory novelty to stimulate all of the proprioceptive nerve endings in your muscles, connective tissue and skin, increasing proprioceptive awareness and reducing clumsiness.

Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide

Summer Bummer #5 – Pregnancy Related Aches & Pains

OK, so you don’t have to be pregnant in the summer to deserve a massage—every pregnant mama-to-be should get AT LEAST one prenatal massage. Growing a whole human is hard work! Massage will not only help your body fight off swelling and allow you to relax, it is also a great way to reduce tension in muscles carrying more than they are used to and reduce joint pain associated with ligament loosening.  Hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered by massage helping to regulate mama-bear moods. Massage has also been shown to improve labor outcomes and newborn health and may help to ward off post-partum depression as well. Plus, air-conditioned massage studio. Nuff said.

Just Be Mama

Jessica McClain, owner of Just Be Bodyworks, Licensed Massage Therapist & Certified Educator of Infant Massage, offers several services to support mamas during summer pregnancies & beyond.

Prenatal Massage Sessions

I promise, you don’t need an excuse to get a massage. Whether you’re battling pain and discomfort as your body stretches out into mother hood or you just need to relax a little, contact the studio today to schedule your pregnancy massage.

Private Partners Massage Classes

Connect with your partner while learning basic home massage techniques specific to pregnancy, labor & you know, just…life. Contact the studio to schedule your private partners massage lesson.

Infant Massage Classes

Learn & experience the immeasurable benefits found through infant massage. Create dedicated bonding with your little one in one of our 4-week infant massage class series. Contact the studio to inquire about upcoming group classes or to schedule private classes.

Gift Certificates

Have a soon-to-be or new mama in or around your life that deserves a little TLC? Grab one of our gift certificates to bless her summer. You know she needs it.

Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide

Every Body Deserves Massage Week

Imagine one week a year when every one, regardless of budgetary, demographic and scheduling constraints, was able to recieve massage and enjoy the benefits it has to offer? Could you imagine what a peaceful week the world would have? Well that week is almost here! Have you heard of Every Body Deserves Massage Week?

What is Every Body Deserves Massage Week?

Associated Bodywork and Massage Practitioners (ABMP) has sponsored this award-winning national event, Every Body Deserves a Massage Week, since 1995. The hope is that if every Massage Therapist, Bodywork Practitioner and ABMP member donates just a few hours of time during this week, that we can make a real difference in our communities.

Just Be Bodyworks has been a member of ABMP since 2012 and proudly participates in this amazing annual event. This year it falls on July 14th through July 20th. This week is all about promoting the benefits of massage and bodywork and reminding people of the importance of self care. Every BODY and every soul deserves a nurturing touch in their lives.

How Can YOUR Body Get What it Deserves?

Free Chair Massage Event at Saturday Market

Just Be Bodyworks is kicking off Every Body Deserves Massage Week with a free community chair massage event during Growers Market this Saturday July 13th 9:00am – 1:00pm. Stop in and enjoy a free chair massage from one of the wonderful LMT’s in our community as well as complimentary Lavender Lemonade.

Nominate An Epic Human for our Every Body Deserves Massage Drawing

We will also be holding a giveaway for $50 account credit towards our Partners Massage Class and our Infant Massage Class Series for a couple deserving souls. Nominate a person doing good work—a volunteer, an advocate, tireless worker, epic friend, —to receive this account credit.  To nominate some Body, email the studio or comment on the giveaway post on Facebook. We will conclude the EBDM week by selecting our winner during our Facebook Live Wednesday July 24th.

More Than A Luxury

While many people view massage a lavish treat, for those experiencing deep physical pain, mental overwhelm or emotional burn out, it truly is a necessary part of their self-care. This week and every week, be sure to create some time to Just Be.

Teaching Self-Regulation & Fostering Emotional Intelligence

Kids who are just beginning to learn to manage their internal stuff benefit magnificently by being given some instruction rather than having to stumble through it on their own. Most adults I know (raises hand) wish that they had been given more guidance in this department when they were young.

The Just Be Calm Kids Mindfulness & Meditation Workshops are designed not only to teach children the skills needed to develop self-regulation but to provide parents the framework needed to support these skills.

Self-Regualtion & Self Awareness

Meditation & mindfulness teaches kids to connect with themselves. When they aren’t empathic, when they aren’t kind to others or in their community, it’s usually because they aren’t connected to themselves.

If you learn to be more aware of your thought processes and reactions in the present moment, it follows that you would be more in charge of your emotions and behaviors. Kids that are really impulsive, need help to learn to create some distance between stimuli & reaction. Meditation helps to bring about this mindfulness, but it is a skill that is learned over time.

Self-Esteem & Confidence

Most of the insecurities people have as adults can be traced back to their childhoods.

The self awareness brought about by meditation can bolster a childs feelings of security, empathy and inner stability, and this, in turn, builds compassion, joy and self-esteem.

Mindfulness for children helps kids gain self-awareness and become more confident which develops naturally when kids learn from their meditation practice that they don’t have to react to all of their thoughts and emotions – they can choose which ones are worthy of their attention and response.

Confident kids are better equipped to deal with unfamiliar situations and with this adaptability, become better problem solvers and develop a deeper appreciation of life.

Self acceptance, emotional regulation, learning how to quiet one’s mind—these are invaluable skills. Meditation teaches kids that they are enough, that right now is enough.

Social & Emotional Development

Meditation seems to help to inspire kindness, compassion & empathy. Most undesirable behaviors that we see from kids, are lacking these components. Guided visualization meditation can help to teach the skills necessary for taking on different perspectives. The ability to see things from another’s point of view begins to shift a childs thinking from “me” to “we.”

Meditation & mindfulness activities help kids to build the skills needed for responsible decision making & prosocial behaviors as well as having a stronger sense of self and are more connected to and respectful of those around them.

Share You Calm Rather Than Join Their Chaos

If we begin to look at every meltdown or tantrum as a learning opportunity we can show children the contrast of results in the moment rather than simply in theory. Setting children up for creating their own success and self-accountability, rather than being their external regulator, ultimately nurtures emotional intelligence. In the same way that they will not learn math if we do their homework for them, they will not learn self-regulation if we are always regulating them.

The key to learning self-regulation skills is not to avoid situations that are difficult for kids to handle, but to guide kids through them and provide a supportive framework or “scaffolding” until they can handle these challenges on their own. Providing a blueprint and breaking the chain into small steps allows for the building self-regulation skills in manageable increments.

You put together a scaffolding fame work one level at a time. Introduce one skill and give them time to master it before introducing the next. Slowly challenging them to stretch beyond their current capability but at the same time keeping expectations realistic to ensure success.

When we as adults approach impulsive, inappropriate behavior calmly, give them guidance and time to reflect, kids can learn to choose better ways to respond to that situation. Non-judgmental and non-emotional feedback gives them the opportunity to learn: what went wrong, and why, and how they can fix it next time.

When kids are part of a reflective and analytical environment rather than one that’s emotional and fast-paced they can learn to make better choices.  Slowing down allows children to become more thoughtful, reflective and self-aware.

Actionable Advice

These are easy concepts in theory but how do we actually put them into practice? Join us for the Just Be Calm Kids Mindfulness & Mediation Workshops where children (and parents) will learn in age appropriate groups the skills needed to develop & nurture self-regulation, emotional intelligence & healthy coping through guided meditation, reflective conversation, artistic expression, journaling exercises and various engagement activities.

Learn More

You can learn more & register you kids by visiting the kids page on our website or by joining in the conversation in each age groups facebook event:

Big Kids Group

Little Kids Group

Toddlers Group

You can also join our Just Be Kids parents Facebook community to start connecting with other local mindful parents.

Just Be Bodyworks – May 2019 Newsletter

MAY I chat with you about wellness?

Holy sunshine Rogue Valley! Spring has sprung and we are all hopefully emerging from our hibernation and enjoying all of the beautiful natural spaces in our community! I know that hiking, boating, swimming, gardening and anything sunshine related is at the top of my list! But as we move and nourish our bodies, May is also a great reminder of the importance of our mental wellness as well.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and a great opportunity to put a little extra TLC into managing ongoing mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, as well as the perfect time to start a self-care routine to work proactively towards our overall mental wellness too. Mental Health America is utilizing this month to highlight the importance of work-life balance, animal companionship, spirituality, recreation, social connection & humor in achieving balanced mental health. 

Just Be Bodyworks intends to continue to promote the importance of stress management and self-care this month and every month. Our mission after all is “wellness; mind, body & soul.” Along with our regular wellness classes (guided meditation, partners massage, infant massage & toxin free living *see schedule below) we also have some new offerings from the studio this month, to help further this mission.

NEW Upcoming Wellness Events

Guided Wellness Hike – Saturday May 18th

Get more out of your hiking experience and add to your self-care & stress management resources by joining us for a Just Be Outside guided wellness hike Saturday 5/18 @10:00 am at the Limpy Creek Botanical Trail. Learn the role that nature plays on our emotions & mood and how to utilize it as the original stress management tool. This guided wellness hike will include educational information on the wellness-boosting properties found in nature such as soil microbes, negative ions, plant compounds as well as several mini guided meditations at key points along the trail and much more! learn more

First Friday Parents Open House Event – Friday June 7th

 Parents, you are invited to the Just Be Bodyworks studio for a FREE First Friday Open House Kids Wellness Presentation & Parents Night June 7th 4-7pm. Learn more about the importance of parental & community support in cultivating children’s wellness to promote self-regulation, healthy brain & body development and mental & emotional wellness through all phases of childhood and into adulthood. Let’s help these littles develop lifelong healthy habits and while we’re at it, let’s build a village of local parents to support and inspire one another! learn more

Kids Mindfulness Workshops – Date TBD (July & August)

​Just Be Bodyworks has partnered with The Family Connection, a local NPO, to develop an 8 week kids mindfulness summer workshop. The goal of this workshop is to teach children the skills of self-regulation, mindfulness & coping in stressful situations through reflective conversation, guided meditation, artistic expression, journaling exercises & various engagement activities. You guys asked for kids meditation and it is coming! Dates and details are still to be determined but it will take place in July & August. If you would like to stay up to date as this project evolves please contact me or join the Just Be Kids Facebook Community

Ongoing at the Studio

Pregnancy Massage

 ​You may remember that I announced that I am not taking any new massage clients however I have created a loophole for you. All you have to do is get pregnant! I have intentionally built some availability into my schedule for new prenatal/pregnancy massage clients. This is a modality and population that is near and dear to my heart and I look forward to working more with more pregnant mamas for private massage sessions. Please contact me directly to schedule. I also have gift certificates available, for these sessions perfect for Mothers Day right around the corner as well as spring time baby showers. purchase gift certificates

Gift Certificates Available

Give the gift of wellness! Gift certificates are available for the Couples Massage Classes, Infant Massage Classes, Guided Meditation Groups & Prenatal Massage sessions. There is also the option to purchase a general wellness gift certificate at a custom price to be used towards any of the wellness education classes. These make great gifts for weddings, anniversaries, baby showers or the fast approaching Mothers Day! purchase gift certificates

New Resident LMT

Hannah Finear LMT is booking appointments for new massage clients Sundays, Mondays & Tuesdays at the studio. To schedule an appointment with Hannah give her a call at 541-841-6954

Schedule of Events:

You can view the full calendar of events, class descriptions and register for classes at www.justbebodyworks.com/calender-of-events

You can also stay up to date on event details & share with your friends by viewing these events on Facebook.

Feel free to shoot me an email or text. I’d love to catch up! Thank you again for being a part of this journey to Just Be!

Reccomended Massage Tables for Home Massage

*As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases, but the price to you is the same.

Developing a home massage practice is a great way to connect with your partner and ease each others stress & tension! Investing in a partners massage class, massage tools & high quality lotions & oils will get your home practice off to a relaxing start!

Buying a massage table for home practice is a fun purchase that you and your partner can make to invest in each others wellness.

As you learned in class, it is possible to give an effective massage without a specialized table. However the comfort for both the giver and the receiver are unmatched when using a table.

If you’re not ready to invest in a massage table yet, a prone pillow may be a more budget-friendly option for your home massage practice.

Here are a few I reccomend

This basic portable massage table by Best Massage should be more than suitable for home practice. It offers an armrest as well as arm extenders on each side for maximum comfort. I used this same table for 4+ years for mobile massage as it is light weight and comes with a carrying case.

Earthlite is synonymous with quality professional massage products and is worth the investment. This Harmony table is one of their more affordable options.

If you would really like to make an investment, this Infinity Conforma table is the Cadillac of portable massage tables. It features breast conturing technology for maximum comfort in prone (face down) positioning.

Reccomended Prone Pillows for Home Massage

*As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases, but the price to you is the same.

Developing a home massage practice is a great way to connect with your partner and ease each others stress & tension! Investing in a partners massage class, massage tools & high quality lotions & oils will get your home practice off to a relaxing start!

There are several ways to make a home massage practice more comfortable for you and your partner. The Just Be Together classes will teach you techniques and body mechanics to make the act of giving a massage easier on your body. There are also several tools that can help both the giver and the receiver.

Purchasing a massage table is a great investment if you plan to really dive into your home massage practice. If you’re not ready to take that plunge, you may opt to get a prone pillow instead.

I do recommend purchasing a prone pillow prior to taking a Just Be Together class and bringing it to class with you if possible. If not, I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I’ll share in class as well.

A prone pillow allows you to lay ‘prone’ on your stomach and have a cradle for your face to rest in. This makes it so that you do not have to turn your head to the side. Alternately, it saves you from suffocating or crushing your nose trying to lay face down. Either situation makes relaxing and enjoying a loving massage from your partner more difficult than it needs to be.

There are several great options on the market that range from advanced to simplistic. Please note that I have not tried each of these products myself, but from my research would serve the purpose. Please give me any feedback on any of the products below that you have tried so that I may adjust my recommendations accordingly.

Repurposed Products

Now this one may make you giggle but an inflatable….donut pillow may work great and is very budget friendly.

A simple travel pillow works great. However there are a few things to consider when choosing one that will work for your home massage practice. First, you want one that connects in the middle rather than being an open ‘U’. Also if opting for a memory foam one you will want one that is pretty thick as by the nature of memory foam, it will compress under weight.

Notice how this one has a connecting cord at the center. This will allow you to cinch it up tight and will offer better support for our purposes than a simple ‘U’ shape pillow.

Intended Use Products

There are several products available that are intended for the use as a prone pillow. There is an infinite variety but here are a few that have caught my eye.

This simple pillow seems like it would be plenty of support to keep the face elevated, though given the height of it I would recommend placing a pillow under the chest.

This double bolster pillow is a lower profile option.

This wedge pillow seems like it would reduce fatigue in the back as it gently slopes up, offering chest support.

This hybrid face cradle is a superb option for home massage and looks like a very comfortable choice!

This face cradle is much more similar to the ones found on traditional massage tables and is kind of the “Cadillac” of prone pillows at a great price point. However, while it is super cool for home use as it is able to be attached to a bed, it IS NOT a good option for use in class.

Parents Frequently Asked Questions

Excerpts from the IAIM website

Why should I attend an infant massage class?

While there are many books and videos available on Infant Massage, learning along with other parents from a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI or CEIM) is a more hands-on, interactive and personal experience. IAIM instructors teach each of the strokes one-by-one so you will feel comfortable and confident that you are doing them correctly. CIMIs also help you understand your baby’s responses and can help answer any questions you may have about touch, bonding/attachment and other topics. During an Infant Massage class, you will also benefit from the interaction, knowledge and experience of other parents. Find a Certified IAIM instructor near you by contacting your local chapter!

Why does a class last 4-5weeks?

We like to introduce babies to massage at their own pace. We watch their cues and introduce new strokes gradually, week-to-week. During our Infant Massage classes, you will be introduced to new information each week and build on previously taught techniques. Classes are designed to build relationships between parent and baby to instill trust and create positive associations. Long term training sessions also encourage engagement between parents fostering opportunities for ongoing support and friendships long after the classes are over.

Can both parents attend infant massage classes?

We encourage both parents to participate in Infant Massage classes. This gives your baby a chance to bond with each parent in his/her own way. Fathers and mothers often develop different styles and unique ways to interact with their babies, and these classes are a great opportunity for both parents to form a life-long bond with their child.

What should I consider when looking for an infant massage class near me?

First, make sure the educator is a CIMI or CEIM (as IAIM CIMIs are known in the US). This designation means that the instructor has attended a 4-day course, completed an exam as well as a practicum to gain the appropriate experience needed to teach parents. Also look for a course that is 4 to 6 weeks long. Infant Massage is best taught over several weeks so that new strokes and information are introduced gradually each week.

What should I bring to class?

Along with your normal diaper bag items, bring an extra receiving blanket and a pillow either for you to sit on or to prop up your baby.

What if my child has special needs?

Infant massage can be very helpful for babies who have experienced challenges in their lives. It is a wonderful way to strengthen the communication between parents and their children. Your IAIM Certified Infant Massage Instructor will be able to guide you as you massage your baby, or refer you to another instructor who has more knowledge and experience in this area. You and your baby are welcome in IAIM infant massage classes.

When is a good time to massage my baby?

We recommend that your baby be in the “quiet alert state” to massage him/her. Your baby will look calm, gaze at you, be happy to lay still, have open body posture, or reach out towards you. As you learn your baby’s cues you will know when it is the right time.

Why should I massage my baby?

There are many benefits for your baby and you. Please look at our benefits page to learn more.

What kind of oil should I use?

We recommend the use of a vegetable oil, which is preferably organic and cold pressed. See our page on massage oils for details.

Why should I ask my baby if he wants a massage before starting?

Babies understand much more than we realize. When babies are quiet and alert, we ask them if they would like a massage. This helps them know that they can say yes or no to touch. We respect their body ownership and watch their cues to know if they want massage or not. More information in our Oils & Permission section.

How often can I massage my baby?

Follow your baby’s cues.

It is wonderful to have massage be part of your daily family routine. Depending on your baby, she may be receptive in the morning, after a bath or before bedtime. Or he may be only open to accepting massage on his legs at one session, may like tummy massage during a diaper change, and like the whole body at bath time.

Many of the benefits are increased with regular daily massages. And some babies happily receive more than one massage a day.

When can I begin massaging my baby?

Introducing touch can be started soon after birth. Start with skin-to-skin care (such as Kangaroo Care). This involves placing your baby on your chest to facilitate close contact between you and your baby. (Dads love this!) You can gradually introduce back and leg strokes and then involve other parts of the baby’s body. By following your baby’s cues, looking for signs of being quiet and alert, you can begin massage during the first few weeks after birth and then gradually develop a nurturing routine that will last a lifetime. You will learn all this in your IAIM Infant Massage class.

Oils & Asking Permission

Excerpts from the IAIM website

Choosing a Massage Oil Involves
Many Considerations Including:

  • Cultural preference
  • Family tradition
  • Availability
  • Cost

Your class instructor will be familiar with oils available in your area and can help you as a parent select an oil that you and your baby will be happy with.

Cold Pressed Oil and Unscented Vegetable Oils

Generally we recommend cold pressed, unscented fruit and vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower or fractionated coconut oil because:

  • They are non-toxic and safe if ingested
  • They can contain beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin E, which are good for the skin
  • They contain nutrients that help prevent rancidity
  • These oils are less slippery when applied, so it’s safer to handle your baby after application
  • They have no added scent, so infants can still enjoy their parents’ natural smell, and are not overwhelmed

Use an oil to massage your baby that you would eat on a salad – one that is fresh, natural, pure and unscented. Perhaps you already have an appropriate oil in your kitchen. Put it in a small squeeze bottle, if possible, to prevent spills.

Asking Permission: A Vital Step for Parents

Put just a bit of oil on the palm of your hand, and rub them together to make a swishing sound. Show your hands to your baby, and verbally ask permission from your baby to give him/her a massage Watch your baby to see how she or he responds. Is she saying “yes” or “no”?

Receiving permission from your baby is important before beginning massage. Some people have difficulty imagining how a baby could possibly tell them s/he is ready and willing to be massaged. Of course, answering this question requires an appreciation for the interpersonal capacities of newborn human infants, the meaning of their gaze, their facial expressions, their posture, and other non-verbal or pre-verbal expressions of comfort or distress.

Baby massage instruction helps you recognize your baby’s range of emotional and behavioral expressions. Learning when and how to seek permission before massaging a baby is an important skill  not only for infant massage, but also achieving mastery of the care-giving skills needed to provide what a baby needs most: love and a secure infant-caregiver attachment.