Dear Valued Clients,

This message comes to you from the desk of Jessica McClain, founder of Just Be Bodyworks:

After over 10 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist in my cherished community, it is with a bittersweet heart that I must announce my retirement from the world of hands-on bodywork and business ownership. This was not an easy decision to come to but one that is necessary in order for me to continue to successfully navigate ongoing health concerns and find my own sense of physical wellness again. I have absolutely loved the chance to serve my community and my clients over the past decade.

The easiest part about this decision was deciding to who I should pass the proverbial torch. Toni Skaggs LMT came to join the Just Be Bodyworks team in July of 2020 and I have had the exquisite honor of mentoring and working alongside her for the past 2 years. Toni as a practitioner is excellently skilled, uniquely intuitive, and reminds me so much of myself 10 years years ago. Toni as a human is a gentle, bright, and kind soul and my absolute first pick to entrust my business (i.e. my baby) to. I know with certainty that she will take such incredible care of Just Be and all of our dear clients.

Logistically not much will change for you; same location, same space, same business name, etc. June will be a month of transition so you may still see me around the office and I hope to say my goodbyes in person to as many of you as possible before I take my exit in July. The process of handing the torch to Toni is one that feels aligned and “right” and makes this whole transition so enjoyable as I am so excited to see the fresh energy and skills she brings to the table. (read Toni’s ‘Hello’ letter)

Thank you so much for the past ten years. Time flies when you’re having fun!

So much gratitude,

Jessica McClain LMT

P.S. I’m not sure what comes next for me professionally but if it’s ok with you, I’d love to hold onto your email contact info to keep you in the loop in case I end up reemerging in the wellness field, in some other context outside of massage, in the future.

One Reply to “Dear Valued Clients,”

  1. whatever you do i wish you so much happiness and success and good health. you are a remarkable young lady…….never forget that.

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