How to Enjoy Your Massage Without Feeling Embarrassed and Awkward
We all know how enjoyable a massage can be but if you’re feeling self-conscious, embarrassed or awkward because you’re not sure what to expect or how your body will react, it’s going to be really difficult to relax. Here are a few insights to avoid the awkwardness.
Undressing & Draping
Newbie massage clients often ask “what should I wear?” Our answer is always “the less the better, but ALWAYS within your comfort level.” The more skin we are able to access, the more muscles we can effect. You will be covered underneath a sheet at all times and all of our massage therapists are thoroughly trained in sheet draping techniques and how to preserve your modesty.

Your therapist will instruct you to “undress to your comfort level, ” how you should lie (face up or face down) underneath the sheet, then leave the room so you can get undressed and situated on the massage table. If you are not comfortable undressing for your massage then we suggest wearing comfortable lounge or workout style clothing, again the less the better so think shorts and a tank top or sports bra for women.
To shave or not to shave?
Don’t worry about hairy legs or arm pits, we don’t! Massage therapists love the human body and we know that hair is a normal and natural part of those bodies. Please don’t be embarrassed or apologetic if you haven’t or don’t shave. To be honest, a little stubble gives our hands a nice exfoliation.

Pre-Massage Hygiene
Especially as we move into warm summer months, we do like to occasionally put out a reminder to always shower before your massage session, especially if you’ve been playing in the garden. But let’s say you’ve just had an absolutely amazing massage, your therapist has left the room and you get off the table to find tiny bits of tan or brown mystery lumps on the sheet. This is perfectly normal, especially if you’ve recently had a sunburn! The act of massage helps to slough off dead skin which then mixes with the lotion and forms little balls or rolls.

While not ideal, it is perfectly normal and we as therapists are used to it. Do not be embarrassed! To avoid excessive skin sloughing during your massage, we suggest exfoliating in the shower prior to your appointment.
Feet & Toes
As warm summer weather approaches, the sandals are coming out again! Please do not be embarrassed of your feet or your unpedicured toes. Feet need massage too! While we do ask that you bathe prior to your massage session, we do understand that sandals can lead to less than pristine piggies and as long as they aren’t completely caked in mud, we aren’t scared of your creepy feeties.

If you have overly ticklish feet, let your therapist know as the tickle reflex can often be overridden by firm pressure or we can skip the feet altogether. If you prefer NOT to have your feet worked on please let your therapist know or bring a clean pair of socks to put on which is an LMT’s universal sign for “Don’t work on my feet.”
Snoring & drooling is a compliment in our world
If you start snoring or even drooling during a massage, please don’t worry. It happens pretty often and we take it as a compliment because it means that you’re totally relaxed, at ease and comfortable. Here’s one that may make you cringe but we are going to tackle it anyways. Another sign of full comfort and relaxation is sometimes passing gas as well. PLEASE do not lie there silently mortified if this happens. It is perfectly natural!
Feeling emotional post-massage
We are all about stress management & emotional regulation here at Just Be Bodyworks and sometimes this extends beyond just the physical body. Please do not feel self-conscious if you start to feel emotional or weepy during or after your massage.

We hold emotions and trauma in our tissues and massage can help to release them. If you become anxious or enter a heightened state of emotion during your massage, please let your therapist know and you can work together to adjust, pause or end the session as needed. If your therapist finds that you are crying during your massage, they will pause to check in with you and will only proceed if you are comfortable doing so.