The ‘Just Be’ Team – Meet Your Massage Therapist: Dee Marks LMT

Grants Pass Massage

Dee is a resident Massage Therapist here at Just Be Bodyworks, having joined the team in July of 2020 after 9 years experience owning her own massage business. She is our in-house Myofascial Cupping specialist as well as Craniosacral & Reiki practitioner. Dee’s Swedish Massage blended with these modalities is to DIE for!

Dee has a compassionate & nurturing touch and we are so blessed to have her skillset in the Just Be family. We thought you would like to get to know her and her craft better, so we had a little chat!

grants pass massage therapist
Dee and one of her beloved Dachshunds, Kermit

Just Be Bodyworks: “How long have you lived in Grants Pass / Southern Oregon? What is your favorite part about our community?”

Dee Marks LMT: “Moving here with my parents as a freshman in high school over 40 years ago, I have lived in the Rogue Valley ever since.  After I graduated high school and went to college, I married and raised my family locally. A favorite part of our community is the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. I have seen at least one play annually since 1981, the last play being “Peter and the Starcatchers” which was excellent.”

Just Be: “Tell us about your Massage Therapy training. Where did you go to school? What was your favorite class and why?”

Dee: “I received my initial massage therapy training at Rogue Community College approximately 10 years ago.  I have gone on to take continuing education classes in many modalities; everything from Cupping, Thai Massage, essential oils, etc.  I have to confess that I love to learn and take classes!  My favorite classes are the ones that I can walk away from and immediately put to use with my clients.  Three of my most commonly used modalities are Reiki, Craniosacral, and Cupping. “

Just Be: “What was your experience in the Massage industry prior to joining the Just Be Bodyworks family?”

Dee: “Prior to joining the Just Be team, I owned my own business for about 9 years. After suffering a major injury to my arm, I decided to let my business go and just enjoy coming to work each day without worrying about “business”!”

Grants Pass Massage Therapist
Dee at the Just Be Bodyworks Massage & Meditation Studio in Grants Pass

Just Be: What specialties & modalities do you offer? What style of massage do you love to do and why?

Dee: “The modalities I offer, usually incorporated into a single session, are Swedish Massage, Myofascial Cupping, Craniosacral, Reiki, and Trigger Point Therapy.”

Just Be: “What’s on your massage bucket list? What specialties & modalities do you feel called to pursue in the future?”

Dee: “Recently I have enjoyed learning myofascial cupping. This has provided relief to many of my clients and I would love to learn more in this fascinating area.”

Just Be: Who is your ideal client? What kind of humans do you enjoy working on and connecting with?

Dee: “My ideal client has a body to work on! Seriously though, I enjoy working with clients to help them be rested and relaxed. “

Grants Pass Massage Therapist
Dee Marks LMT and her husband Dave

Just Be: “What is your favorite part about your job as a Massage Therapist? Why do you do what you do?”

Dee: “The favorite part about my job is getting to connect with clients from all walks of life and stages.  Our bodies are all alike and yet so unique. Each person is like a puzzle waiting to be put together.  I initially got into massage therapy for my own families’ interest, but I soon realized that I loved the work and wanted to share it with others. “

Just Be: “What does your self-care routine look like? What hobbies & activities do you enjoy?”

Dee: “My own self-care involves exercise every day and massage at least once a month.  I have a love/hate relationship with my treadmill and I enjoy stretching and yoga videos.  As for my hobbies, I really enjoy cooking, baking, knitting, gardening, and reading a good book.  My family and grandchildren bless me each day with opportunities for all those things!”

Just Be: “What does it mean to you to “Just Be?” How do you create space to Just Be?”

Dee: “Just Be for me means that I just shut out the chatter and noise of the world and hold stillness.  I am happy to sit quietly and listen to the birds and yard sounds.  I love quiet….it helps quiet my inner self.”

Just Be: “Anything else you’d like to add?”

Dee: “It is an honor every day to come to work and love on my clients.  I hold it very dearly and consider myself very lucky that I can help them achieve their best health.”

Meet Your Massage Therapist: Toni Skaggs LMT

Grants Pass Massage Therapist

Hello my name is Toni! I am the owner and resident Massage Therapist here at Just Be Bodyworks. You can learn a little bit more about me by reading the Q/A’s down below!

Toni at the Just Be Bodyworks Massage & Meditation Studio in Grants Pass

Q: “How long have you lived in Grants Pass / Southern Oregon? What is your favorite part about our community?”

A: “I was born and raised in Grants Pass and I love that we are such a close community. There is a uniqueness in this little town and that’s what makes it home. I love that we are surrounded by nature and we embrace the resources that we have.”

Q: “Tell us about your Massage Therapy training. Where did you go to school? What was your favorite class and why?”

A: “I went to school at Ashland Institute of Massage. My favorite courses in school were Thai Massage and Sports Massage because I love the fact that both of these modalities include massage as well as lots of stretching techniques. I think that in having a client participate in the massage it helps a lot in the healing journey as it makes people focus and bring attention to their own body. I encourage people to move in any way that feels good to them as I am massaging. “

Q: “What was your experience in the Massage industry prior to joining the Just Be Bodyworks family?”

A: “Massage therapy has always interested me. I had a few massages as a teen and I just liked the idea of helping people and making people feel better. I worked at a chiropractic office before joining Just Be Bodyworks and I was amazed watching people walk in the door in agony, sometimes not able to stand and being able to walk out of the door feeling amazing. I strive for this and love the feeling I get when I am able to help relieve somebody’s pain.”

Toni enjoying the Oregon coast

Q: What specialties & modalities do you offer? What style of massage do you love to do and why?

A: “I currently offer Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, and assisted stretching. I love assisted stretching because I feel like it goes hand in hand with massage and creates a deeper and long lasting effect in combination with massage. I also really enjoy Fascial work. Fascia is the connective tissue that encases our muscles and internal organs; it’s kind of a big deal. I think of fascia as one big sheet and every once in a while you have to have those sheets ironed out. Just like muscles, your fascia can develop adhesions. Neglecting your fascia can lead to limited range of motion and pain.”

Q: “What’s on your massage bucket list? What specialties & modalities do you feel called to pursue in the future?”

A: “I would love to learn more about Thai Massage. “

Q: Who is your ideal client? What kind of humans do you enjoy working on and connecting with?

A: “I love working with anyone and everyone. Every Body is different so each client and massage is an adventure and a new connection. But if I had to pick one specific attribute I would like my client to have, it would be someone who is good at communicating! If you would like more or less pressure don’t be afraid to speak up!”

Toni & her husband Kaleb

Q: “What is your favorite part about your job as a Massage Therapist? Why do you do what you do?”

 A: “I do what I do to help people feel good- whether that be a knot that has been killing them or daily stress consuming them. I love to help people feel more comfortable in their body. When you’re comfortable in your body it helps you realize just how amazing the human structure is and how it can change and adapt. “

Q: “What does your self-care routine look like? What hobbies & activities do you enjoy?”

A: “I receive massage as often as possible. I often use cupping on myself as another form of self care and try and receive chiropractic care about once a month or once every other month. And baths; a lot of baths. Swinging in the hammock and listening to nature. I love being on the lake with my family, knee boarding, beach trips, kayaking, paddle boarding and even a good Netflix binge every-once in a while.”

Q: “What does it mean to you to “Just Be?” How do you create space to Just Be?”

A: “In my mind to “Just Be” is to unclench your jaw, release the tongue from the top of your mouth, roll your shoulders back, elongate your spine, unwind all of the tension in your body that you don’t consciously realize is there amidst a wild day. Take a big belly breath and release your stress, not by ignoring those thoughts but by accepting those thoughts, acknowledging them and just let them float away. Just be still.”