Parents Frequently Asked Questions

Excerpts from the IAIM website

Why should I attend an infant massage class?

While there are many books and videos available on Infant Massage, learning along with other parents from a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI or CEIM) is a more hands-on, interactive and personal experience. IAIM instructors teach each of the strokes one-by-one so you will feel comfortable and confident that you are doing them correctly. CIMIs also help you understand your baby’s responses and can help answer any questions you may have about touch, bonding/attachment and other topics. During an Infant Massage class, you will also benefit from the interaction, knowledge and experience of other parents. Find a Certified IAIM instructor near you by contacting your local chapter!

Why does a class last 4-5weeks?

We like to introduce babies to massage at their own pace. We watch their cues and introduce new strokes gradually, week-to-week. During our Infant Massage classes, you will be introduced to new information each week and build on previously taught techniques. Classes are designed to build relationships between parent and baby to instill trust and create positive associations. Long term training sessions also encourage engagement between parents fostering opportunities for ongoing support and friendships long after the classes are over.

Can both parents attend infant massage classes?

We encourage both parents to participate in Infant Massage classes. This gives your baby a chance to bond with each parent in his/her own way. Fathers and mothers often develop different styles and unique ways to interact with their babies, and these classes are a great opportunity for both parents to form a life-long bond with their child.

What should I consider when looking for an infant massage class near me?

First, make sure the educator is a CIMI or CEIM (as IAIM CIMIs are known in the US). This designation means that the instructor has attended a 4-day course, completed an exam as well as a practicum to gain the appropriate experience needed to teach parents. Also look for a course that is 4 to 6 weeks long. Infant Massage is best taught over several weeks so that new strokes and information are introduced gradually each week.

What should I bring to class?

Along with your normal diaper bag items, bring an extra receiving blanket and a pillow either for you to sit on or to prop up your baby.

What if my child has special needs?

Infant massage can be very helpful for babies who have experienced challenges in their lives. It is a wonderful way to strengthen the communication between parents and their children. Your IAIM Certified Infant Massage Instructor will be able to guide you as you massage your baby, or refer you to another instructor who has more knowledge and experience in this area. You and your baby are welcome in IAIM infant massage classes.

When is a good time to massage my baby?

We recommend that your baby be in the “quiet alert state” to massage him/her. Your baby will look calm, gaze at you, be happy to lay still, have open body posture, or reach out towards you. As you learn your baby’s cues you will know when it is the right time.

Why should I massage my baby?

There are many benefits for your baby and you. Please look at our benefits page to learn more.

What kind of oil should I use?

We recommend the use of a vegetable oil, which is preferably organic and cold pressed. See our page on massage oils for details.

Why should I ask my baby if he wants a massage before starting?

Babies understand much more than we realize. When babies are quiet and alert, we ask them if they would like a massage. This helps them know that they can say yes or no to touch. We respect their body ownership and watch their cues to know if they want massage or not. More information in our Oils & Permission section.

How often can I massage my baby?

Follow your baby’s cues.

It is wonderful to have massage be part of your daily family routine. Depending on your baby, she may be receptive in the morning, after a bath or before bedtime. Or he may be only open to accepting massage on his legs at one session, may like tummy massage during a diaper change, and like the whole body at bath time.

Many of the benefits are increased with regular daily massages. And some babies happily receive more than one massage a day.

When can I begin massaging my baby?

Introducing touch can be started soon after birth. Start with skin-to-skin care (such as Kangaroo Care). This involves placing your baby on your chest to facilitate close contact between you and your baby. (Dads love this!) You can gradually introduce back and leg strokes and then involve other parts of the baby’s body. By following your baby’s cues, looking for signs of being quiet and alert, you can begin massage during the first few weeks after birth and then gradually develop a nurturing routine that will last a lifetime. You will learn all this in your IAIM Infant Massage class.

Massage and Your Growing Child

Excerpts from the IAIM website

The Just Be Baby massage classes accredited by the International Association of Infant Massage are designed for families with babies under one-year-old. Jessica McClain LMT CEIM will share with you some ways to adjust the massage for your growing baby in a way that will keep them interested and involved in their massage.

Massage doesn’t stop when a baby gets big enough to roll or walk away. Sometimes it seems like a relaxing massage is even more necessary when a child’s life gets more active.

“As my children grew up, I looked for those quiet moments when they really appreciated a massage. Sometimes it was when we all snuggled up in bed. Sometimes it was when I was visiting with a friend and a child found my lap was free and crawled in for a rubdown. Or after a bath. Or when they were sick. My youngest, who is now 19, still likes me to give her a massage. And sometimes she gives me one, too.”

– United States mother utilizing infant massage

What can you do as a child gets older to continue nurturing touch?

The Active Baby

When a child learns to roll over, you may find that they become more challenging to massage. Their personal goal has suddenly become to be mobile, and that is what they care about most. Keep a few special toys just for massage, and pull them out to encourage your baby to be still a bit longer. Sing your baby a song as you massage, or attach a few simple nursery rhymes to parts of the body. Your baby will love repetition, and the sing-song quality of your voice.

When a child begins to crawl, you may need to simply massage what is easy to reach. Make the massage more fun by pulling your baby gently and playfully back to you, and using music and nursery rhymes. Look for your toddler’s most quiet and receptive time of day for the massage, such as after a bath, right before bed, or after a long day at childcare. Give them choices such as “Where shall I start the massage?”


Preschoolers often need imaginative stories or songs to keep them receptive to massage. You may need to do shorter strokes on the legs and arms, or position the child differently to do the massage. They may like it if the massage is connected with certain sports (“soccer player special”) or activities (“ballet dancer massage”) that encourage their imagination. Be aware and supportive of your child’s developing modesty, leaving underwear or clothes on when requested.

School Age Children

School-age children experience a lot of stress, and massage can help them think more clearly in class, relax during tests, etc. Often the older child will begin to talk during massage and tell you about their day and their fears and worries. Be a good listener as you give them a massage. You can use scented oils for children this age. And they may want to massage you too!


Teenagers vary from liking touch to wanting to be left alone, and this may change from moment to moment. Look for times when they are open to touch – sick, tired, emotional or affectionate, and offer to rub their shoulders or their feet. Perhaps they complain of growing pains or cramps, and are really asking for a little affection – beautifully expressed in a massage. If they refuse a massage, don’t take it personally, or consider it permanent. Tomorrow they may feel different.

The nurturing touch that you learn in your infant massage class can make a difference to your children throughout their life.