How Often Should You Get Massage?

Grants Pass Massage

How often you should get a massage depends on several factors that you and your Massage Therapist can review to create a treatment plan that’s right for you and your bodywork goals. These factors include your physical, emotional, mental & energetic needs that are benefitted by massage, as well as more practical matters such as your scheduling preferences & budgetary allowances. 

What are the benefits of massage?

You will definitely experience the most health benefits when you commit to receiving massage regularly. Massage helps to calm and down-regulate the nervous system, improves cardiovascular and lymphatic circulation, reduces muscle pain & tension, manages stress and enhances bliss. If any of these benefits are a part of your bodywork goals then receiving massage on a regular basis should definitely be on your priority list!

Isn’t massage just a treat for special occasions?

Scheduling a massage a couple times a year as a treat for a birthday, anniversary or as part of a vacation is relaxing without a doubt. But one random massage can’t undo a lifetime of muscle tension or months or years of chronic pain. We call this “old-growth tension.”

A special occasion massage may help to relieve stress for a day or two, but recalibrating your nervous system and changing your baseline stress level takes time and commitment. It’s a lifestyle change.

So how often should I be receiving massage?

In a perfect world, once every week is ideal for getting your muscle tissue pliable and in good shape. This is especially true if you are addressing an acute injury or long standing chronic pain issue. Every other week is an effective treatment plan for making progress on these issues as well. Once you’re beginning to feel some changes, or if you’re already feeling relatively good massage sessions can be spaced out more. Once every four weeks is an optimum treatment plan to maintain tissue pliability & overall wellness.

Once every 4-6 weeks is the recommended minimum for maintaining the health of your tissue. If you start stretching out the time between your massages too far, then your muscles can revert back into to their old resting positions & neurological patterns. This is especially true if you happen to encounter stress, trauma or injury between sessions.

Sample Treatment Plan:

once a week for 4 sessions > every other week for 4 sessions > once every 4 weeks ongoing

The above scenario is simply a sample of what may be suggested for a chronic tension client. Often times once we get you to the point of extending time between sessions, we will try once and monitor progress. If there is a significant flare up in the in between time we may revert back to more frequency for a session or two. You are always encouraged to contact us to book another massage if there is a significant flare up. Healing is a process that you and your Massage Therapist will work closely together on accomplishing.

How can I fit frequent massage into my schedule or budget?

Just Be Bodyworks has worked out several ways to help fit massage into your budget, schedule & lifestyle.

Massage Therapist Availability

With several Massage Therapists on staff, we are able to not only cater to modality & pressure preferences, but scheduling needs as well. Book morning, afternoon and even some evening sessions (weekends coming soon!)

Pre-book as many sessions ahead of time as you like to ensure that you get the day, time of day and therapist that you prefer!

Massage Session Duration

The most common massage duration is a 60 minute session. This is generally more than enough time to compete a full body massage OR a targeted therapeutic session.

Get even more out of the availability your already making in your schedule by booking a 90 minute session instead. This is plenty of time for a full body massage WITH targeted therapeutic work on those areas needed a little more care.

Here’s a secret for you: did you know that Just Be Bodyworks has a 30 minute massage sessions available? These sessions are only able to be booked after an initial 60 or 90 minute session and are only made available to our dedicated clientele. Those clients committed to receiving massage once every week or two as part of a targeted therapeutic treatment plan can take advantage of 30 minute sessions. While it is a pragmatic option for extreme budgetary or scheduling conflicts, the 30 minute sessions are not the most ideal option as therapeutic treatment is limited to very targeted spot work.

Discounted Prepaid Series

Many many moons ago, Just Be Bodyworks offered prepay pricing bundles. We are very excited to announce, that prepaid options are back and better than ever!

These discounted series are set up to create self-care accountability and treatment plan accessibility with a 90 day expiration from time of purchase. By committing to receiving massage every two weeks or even….every week, you and your Massage Therapist will be able to make accelerated progress as you work through acute injury and/or chronic pain. You may even choose to recalibrate your stress level baseline or address any other unique bodywork goals you may have.

Choose from a series of four or eight 60 or 90 minute massage sessions at a discounted rate. PLEASE NOTE: these discounted series can ONLY be applied to massage sessions with Dee Marks LMT, Lilly Wisdom LMT &/or Toni Skaggs LMT. A 90 day expiration from the date of purchase is applied.

The short answer:

Respond to high pain, tension or stress levels with weekly massage

Maintain tissue health and overall wellness with monthly massage

If you wait too long between massage sessions, it is unlikely that you will experience the benefits to the fullest extent. Listen to your body, but don’t wait too long in an effort to save money. Massage is an investment in your health and wellness. Get the most return on investment by experiencing the full array of possibilities that frequent dedicated bodywork has to offer.

And there you have it, the perfect excuse to get even more massage.