Virtual Guided Meditations Winter 2021

As you may or may not know, in addition to amazing massage sessions, Just Be Bodyworks historically has offered wellness classes as well. Prior to the COVID19 shut down we had a thriving schedule of Infant Massage Classes, Kids Mindfulness Workshops, Partners Massage Classes and Guided Meditation Groups available to the community.

During the shut down last spring we offered twice weekly online guided meditations to great reception from our clients. Upon reopening the studio last summer, the kids and infant classes were unfortunately put on the back burner due to safety considerations but we do look forward to offering those in studio again some day and possibly online in the future.

Over the past 6 months of being open again we have offered Partners Massage Classes and Guided Meditation groups in studio. The meditation groups we have offered hybrid, both in-studio & online. In the most recent months these in-studio offerings have all taken on a tentative status, pending sufficient pre-registration as well as assessment the current health & safety climate, which seems to fluctuate daily.

We have decided that rather than continue to schedule, cancel and reschedule these in-studio offerings, that we will be offering Guided Meditation Online only and will revaluate the….world….come March 2021 when we hope to be able to consistently offer them in-studio once more.

We do still have the intention of someday making our other offerings available online as well, as on-demand courses but for the time being we are enjoying the simplicity of the online Guided Meditations which seem to fill a great need in our current world climate of chaos undercurrents. This allows us more time not only for our own presence & mindfulness, but also to focus on continuing to grow and improve the Massage Therapy side of things at the studio.

You are invited to join us for an upcoming online Guided Meditation, all of which are sliding scale and can be enjoyed online from the comfort of home. These meditations are livestreamed via the Mindbody platform which has similar functionality to Zoom.

Regular Guided Meditation is generally offered the first Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm and Explicit Guided Meditation is generally offered the third Thursday of the month at 6:00pm.

Winter 2021 Virtual Meditation Schedule